Episode 106: The Four Great Walls

Episode 106: The Four Great Walls

"Hahaha!!" One of them chuckled as he lifted the huge mug of alcohol in the air sending huge drops of it flying. "Lookie me boys, I finally reached level 37 a bit more and I'll be on the same level as you Chris."

Another said with a loud cackle. "Being the strongest in the east district really as be picky lately. There's no actual competition anymore."

The location was an abandoned bar in the east edge of the city.

Controlling the border there were four strong Candidates called the Four Great Walls.

What made them most unique was how they started their apocalyptic journey. Premising from their pre-apocalyptic life the four great walls were …

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All unique in their occupations, the moment the scenarios started they naturally picked what they originally had.