Episode 109: Terraforming Begins

Episode 109: Terraforming Begins


It was a long night, rain poured down like there was no tomorrow. In some tribes rain signified a blessing but too much of rain was also seem as curse.

The world was cursed.

Some believed that humanity were being punished for their wickedness to each other and the planet.

Others said…

Many hideous things!

The thing like love, hope were stories. You can only look out for your self in the post apocalyptic world because you are your only security. At the start of the scenarios the police and military with the combined forces of the navy and air force all managed to contain the chaos.

A peace that only lasted for a day till they all fell.

Darkness had crept into the world engulfing it but none greater than the darkness that crept out of the crevice of the human heart.