Episode 120: Channel A05

Episode 120: Channel A05

He walked down the long magnificent hallway gleaming in gold. He had a white face with long splendid green hair, and two golden horns pushing put of it.

He crossed down the long red carpet that went on forever, he stopped before the huge gold and white door that towered to the very heavens.

On it were intricate imagery carved unto it depicting history and culture of the oracles. Ancient text whose translation were lost to history but he could read it not because he was a genius or anything but because he was a level nine intellect being.

"To think I would be meeting with the high oracles so soon, that human monkey must really be doing his job right." Mathayas harvested his thoughts. "It's not like I can collect any gains now, not until he shakes even the heavens. But the oracles won't take things so lightly with me."--