||Episode 130: The • Interrogation (2)||

||Episode 130: The • Interrogation (2)||

Within him Agent Alpha One cursed his comrades sipping their coffees and watching him from the other side of the mirror like a movie playing on TV while he had to be before HIM!

In his mind a strong of thoughts ran...

"The general know what he's doing right?"

"If I remember correctly these power dampening capsule thingies have sensor s**t and the likes. They must be monitoring something, so I have to keep him talking right? Does that mean everything will be fine."

A trickle of sweat ran down his face. His heart thumped hard against his ribcage.

"What am I even thinking, I'm a field agent! The best at it! This interrogation stuff is not my forte but I can't disobey a direct order from the general."