|| Episode 132: The • Secret • Of • The • Zombie • System (2) ||

|| Episode 132: The • Secret • Of • The • Zombie • System (2) ||

"UWAAAGGHH!!" Kilr threw up on the ground.

His body went cold. He could not remember eating anything earlier, or did souls eat? His eyes looked to see a puddle of red blood at the base of his knees.

"Woooooooooooooooo!" The collective moans coming from the nothern lights had him staggered.

Kilr gritted his teeth together in ugly fashion and hissed through them. "Had enough system? I'm not giving out--" his words followed with the throwing up of vomit.

"Heeeeeeeelllllllppp!!" Another voice screamed over the moans.

Kilr felt his eardrums burst and pulled his hands back to see his palms dripping a sticky red fluid. What was happening to him? Was he dying? What did all these have to do with the secrets of the system?