||Episode 143: The • Final • Moments||

||Episode 143: The • Final • Moments||

Above the city was a crackle of lightning and with it appeared an oracle dressed in white and gold robes .

"I am Avanti, the chief high oracle supervising this grand scenario. For the sponsors who are just returning to the star stream network, they have demanded that this round be made more interesting in anticipation of the final fight. While you strive to survive and quench the disasters from your world, you must outlive the five monster waves which will bet stronger as time continues."

Clara gritted her teeth. "Damnit. He's making it even more harder than it is. Those monsters must be C rank at the least and it's just the first monster wave."

Bryce Hammer held his breath. "Hmph?" Victor Krone grimaced. "The situation is getting darker by the moment, I suggest we make haste."