||Episode 148: The • Order||

||Episode 148: The • Order||

Dionysus' face was blank, his eyes flickering with worry. A line or sweat rolling down the side of his face, his heart beating faster and faster.

-"Is this what humanity it? Am I afraid? What is this feeling? If I let this go on much longer humans can eventually reach the level of gods in a few hundred years! No! Even shorter than that."-

-"That must be what the scenario is for! Humans are an existence to be snuffed out from the face of the earth! Yes!-

Dionysus could see his opponent had let his guard down so he moved to--


The coin landed on the ground sealing their fates. The ruling had been cast to fate, the scales began to turn in the favour of...





Bryce felt his hear drop into icy water. "Whew it worked."