||Episode 158: The • Rain • Of • Terror • Begins||

||Episode 158: The • Rain • Of • Terror • Begins||


The manhole cover was lifted up and a number of people climbed down into the sewers. They reached the bottom and walked down the tunnel filled with pugent smell and tapping in puddles of feaces.

The leader in front was a man with short brown hair and in his mid thirties. "Alright guys the higher ups have already done enough, even if it's just by a little we will weaken the disaster of terror by a bit and buy enough time for them to recuperate." Said Charles Anderson, a rank A combat specialist. He cocked his gun and put on the light down the dark tunnel.

"Are you sure the disaster is down there Charles? According to the higher ups it still hasn't showed up on the radar yet." Said one of his subbordinates.