Episode 162

Episode 8: At The Damn Worst Times

The zombie swarm charges forward madly, viscous drool dripping down the sides of their faces. The only thing that gave Kilr a saving grace was that the zombies had bumped into each other at the moment.

"S**t!" He cursed as he tried to pull the door close, but the zombies were considerably stronger than him, so he steeled his knees and pressed his back against it. "Just when I was starting to wonder where these zombies all went!"



Kilr cried silently, the numbers were very much against their favour. Narci stepped before him with her eyes flashing with rage of rage interwoven with certainty. "I think I might be able to take 'em on if you have a weapon!!" Kilr wasn't sure if she was serious or pulling a cheerleader stunt.