Life is important, NPCs need death so they can share the Experience!!!

Clapping could be heard and the lights came to life. "I am surprised you got the annoyed chef day one. I wonder if the hidden benefits of being a Citizen is express delivery on missions."

The girls walked over and Bird picked up an item sitting in the ashes of the chef. "I guess it is so and so. The dropped items should be better in the future, once we let our siblings take care of him."

Bird came over and placed the item on Haseo's chest. The item was a grease stained cookbook. Once skin made contact with its sticky open pages, alligator like teeth will bite into body till fusion is complete.

Mary covered Haseo's mouth and patted his head. "There there, the pain will go away. Just treat it like a healthy vet trip. Hmm, or would that be scarier than a leech fusing into your very being. Uh, there there?"

Mary felt she was doing an okay job. She has seen this in a movie, but with a dog who had stepped on a porcupine. Haseo should be okay now? If not… putting him down was the only choice.

Feeling his skin tingle, he pushed Mary away and massaged the cookbook flesh book into his flesh.

"So why did I let you guys put this on me? I feel there is something wrong with my decision making recently, did either of you do something to me?"

"Oh no, he is becoming sentient." Bird had leaned over and whispered as best as she could. But she was sweating as she seemed worried about this outcome."

Mary leaned in and kissed Haseo, who responded with a blank stare. With a sigh of relief, Mary gave Bird a thumbs up. "It seems his load order is just messed up. His questionability of his surroundings seem to be at an abnormal level and is able to alter what loads."

Bird pulled her away from Haseo. "That is interesting, I thought you were able to tell loading from skin touch alone, what is with the kiss?"

Mary shrugged her shoulders and moved to start looting the school cafeteria. Now that the guardian was out of action till morning, she had free reign to take all ingredients that have been prepared before hand.

"All living things are similar, so if I show him care early in his development package stage, he will like me better than the three of you."

Bird used her hands to check both of their foreheads. "That's weird, you don't seem to be sick at all. But for some reason, you seem a bit delusional."

Mary smacked away her hand. "How rude! I will have you know I am not sick. I just want to imprint on him enough so he doesn't forget me!"

"You have 10 tickets for 1000 year straight adventure date. Trust me, he won't forget you after one session. That is so much time, I would feel like the spark would be gone."

"A spark is all you care about. You opted for 1000 10 year tickets option! That is only the start of a relationship, all you care about is the build up!"

Haseo was frozen blank in the corner, not knowing when or if he should or could speak. Bird started cleaning her fingernails, going on the defense for 10 year dates. "Trust me, a military relationship of Mecha and Love on the battlefield. Conquering a solar system and your lustful feeling of fighting death!"

Mary shook her head. "But how much can you spawn in a 10 year period? Where are your armies of clone children that will conquer all the stars?"

Bird snorted. "Children? No, I don't need anything like that. My Mecha are my babies. So maybe my Mecha are my form of our children."

Haseo looked between the two girls talking about love or something and the ash of the man he just killed, floating into him and helping the cook book fuse fully into him.

"So what was the point of me having this again? I have already forgotten if they told me or not."

Where there is a will, there is a system that has notices for ones who want to know what happen or what to do next.

[Congrats Haseo For reviving Wood Overlay, Piñata Surprise: Metal cuts through Wood like the bat through piñata. Turn organic matter into surprise reward. If a piece says 'sandwich', opening the bag up will allow one to acquire anything that is ingridents being sandwich together. There isn't a height limit for the stacking of the sandwich, it could have thousands and thousands of different layers. But that is on the level of ArkShip Atom stackings, so if a sandwich looked normal it wasn't, how many layers of atoms is a sandwich?

Now that he could process organic matter, he summoned some food for himself. The process was off putting, it could cause some not to eat.

He learned that 1000 lives could be used as sacrifice to summon a bite sized food item. So he threw in the lives that were owed, that number didn't feel big compared to the organic life he had in him. But as the lives were sacrificed in a corpse ball, their lives would flash before their eyes.

"All of their life sums up to flavor in food, how sad. I am still going to eat it and all others that come after. I don't want to go hungry, or keep too much organic matter around."

For each life Haseo out into the sacrifice, souls from outside his control would also fuse themselves into the sacrifice. This made the food more palatable, unless human sacrifice causes you to not want to eat.

After eating the small cake sample that came from his food summon, he looked at the girls to see if they were done talking about love.

In there hands were many of the same small cake he just ate. Seeing him look at them, they waved.

"I saw on the menu, Cake Sample(123): instant cook cake. They are 1in cubes that are flavored with whatever you supply and turns it into a tofu like cake. The cost of it is so cheap, but so nice!"

His cake was a simple sponge cake, with a raspberry cream on top. But the ones he saw those two eating were elagant pieces of art that you wouldn't expect to be food at all.

Mary wolfed down 12 of them and laughed. "We got really lucky he pulled out a cake sample. If he pulled out a salad or something I was ready to cry."

Bird was eating the cakes slowly. "Salad wouldn't be so bad, what would really suck is if we got some weird food. Like you saw how greasy the cook book thing was, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a chance of roadkill cooking."

Mary abruptly stopped eating like an animal and was even eating the cakes with a knife and fork, cutting them even smaller to check all of the layers of the food.

"Though we don't really have time left, since he killed the cook. He sorta can't stay anymore, ya know? Murder is bad still, even if no one stays dead forever. But punishment would delay our plan by a few years."

Bird sighed as she checked her system for a bit. "Well the order we are doing this was the best. First we get him a hacking firearm. So he can defend himself, learning and killing in virtual is guilt free."

"Now we got him something to make sure he never starves. But he is a pet that has killed a human, so the pound will come by to put him down."

Haseo looked over and felt like he was having heart attack. "Did she just say I am going to get out down, as in killed?"

Mary pulled out something from her pocket, a key fob for a MechCar. "This is a skeleton key for MechCars. As long as there is a frame, you can use this to get a free MechCar. The only issue with this, it is a getaway type."

Bird suddenly stood up and pulled out a rifle and aimed it to the entrance of the cafeteria. "Just press the button and you will get away from here. It will automatically set you to go to the water and earth girls on the other side." Mary pushed it into Haseo's hand and pressed his finger on the button. "It seems we used up our head start eating cakes, don't worry about us and just press the button. These losers might try to blame us for your actions, which is true I guess. But we won't get into trouble."

He noticed the position he was in. "The stray you took in bite someone, time to let it go to avoid any punishment."

Haseo pressed the button on the keyfob and vanished. A force of people ran in, and they instantly dropped to their knees in terror as their eyes bleed heavily and their skin turn ablaze.