Reality:1 Trash Bin:1 R1T1

[4 Beasts have been brought together and found thier Master. 'Stop Gap Server.trial' will be recycled. First System Placement Engage.]

[Special combination found!!! Pandora's Can oF Gu Wurms.]

The skeleton remains of a woman appeared on a screen in front of Haseo, who was in a barrel filled with soil that was squirming around.

"Welcome welcome! You have won yourself a very special first reality! I am so glad to be your sponsor, I get to achieve my dream of being a cute bug girl and you get a nice game reality to play with your friends."

Trying to make a remark, Haseo noticed his mouth wouldn't open. This shouldn't be a problem, as thoughts could always be heard.


"I think you will find the premise pretty interesting! You see, I am a big fan of the thought realm you were from. I took some liberties of learning your internet culture."

This would be a good time for thoughts to speak up. But that wasn't happening for some reason. Haseo was trying his hardest to project his thoughts, something that was once natural.


"I wanted to project your internet culture to a wide scale, so I hope you like the rescaling attempts I went through with. I also took a look at a lot of peoples chat logs and noticed a patterned in some of the chats between lovers."


Haseo didn't even try to speak this time, he was just being silent now. Even if he somehow got the ability to speak, he didn't want to try to speak to this skeleton woman.

"They always said they felt like they were galaxies apart. I don't think your species understood distance in the slightest. I took the better route of just making everyone a light year apart from each other."

Before the skeleton woman could go on talking further she looked at him and smiled. "Almost done. Now that you are done hearing up, time to toss you down there to play your role."

Haseo felt the dirt around him turn moist and flesh textured. Suddenly the can lid feel down twisting, sealing Haseo in the can.

Underneath the can, the ground opened up and dropped the can into space.

The ground closed and the woman started to climb through the screen, as bone passed the screen it was surrounded in flesh. A young looking bug girl stepped out, moth wings sprouting from her back.

"To make it fair, I guess I should go down in a can of wurms too. Oh, there is only one can in here for me to pick, bummer. Let's see here, Pandora's Digital Mecha Empire…."

The bug girl jumped right into the can and was dumped out at the next light year interval. The ship they were in was the old corpse of the bug girl. Now with no owner, it went into auto pilot.

Unlike the first 2, the things that came after were cell phones or laptops. Watches and the simple system menu assistant were available. There was even a glove, robot, and vacuum user!!!

If Haseo wasn't dropped first he would know these 3 were Bird, her brother Rodent, and Waifu, the XO Dating Hive. It seems they were making up the first 5 people to drop in.

The ship then left a bunch of empty space before it started mass dropping off the others that were aboard the ship.

The main 5 who were isolated, all started to glow at the same time and beams of light connected the 5 together.

[Welcome to Story Mode! This is your first mission so let's make it a educational adventure! You see, while the Story Mode isn't as endless as well… Endless mode, we still have things that make it important for you to make it far in Endless Mode.]

[If you just skip the Story Mode and jump into Endless or any of the other Modes, you will need luck if you want to profit much.]

[Most Modes are straight up Hardcore Survival, this being thier default and lowest setting you can pick for it. You start naked on a beach, monsters and bandits flanking all sides. Only 19% make profit, most of them being cringy and picking up dirt and claiming vengeance. They all have dirt factories founding their intergalactic adventures.]

[But let's get back to what story you are playing!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmm, your Fire or rather Stamina ability is apocalyptic. This means it is going to be a type of FPS reality.]

[You know, having a countdown sequence when shooting or driving a car. Ammo and gas meters, going down and down. It also seems to be a form of internet, wow it has pets and spies and oh my god, you get those too?!]

[Sorry, back on topic. Alright each Story is divided into 12 parts. It is best to just use the words for the months to separate them.]

[The First and Twelfth Month are Rest Months. January is used to celebrate the Start. It was best to call it News Year, a birthday for all to share. First timers and those who have been through.]

[I already mentioned it so might as well do it out of order. December is used to celebrate the End. A graduation and Christmas or end of the year party. Really anything celebrating the winter solstice can be tossed in.]

[Now time to do these in order. The second Month February. This is the month of Love or rather just Charisma Test. Meaning it is a whole phase of testing you to make sure you are more than capable of talking and working with others.]

[March is the Month of War. You need to pay attention during this phase, while it isn't always on a galactic war scale and can even be just one opponent. You will have to be baptized in some kind of discourse in that month.]

[April is the month of Cleaning. So you will have to clean, maybe you will always find a new technology hidden away on a shelf or in a desk drawer.]

[May is the month of Service. Whether to a god or lord, you will spend this phase in service to someone. Most people try to fight this, they hate having to do what is needed of them. But if you take too long, you will always be the one who was considered to cool to be a member of the community.]

[June is the month of Camp. A place you are sent to learn a skill or keep in shape. You could even take some martial art classes or sports.]

[July is the month of Mighty Magic. A month people get together to have fun blasting magic everywhere. This is the month they all get to empty their warehouse of arsenals or pent up anger.]

[August is the month of Racing. Either away or towards something. This is month your feet better be pressed against asphalt or a pedal to some metal.]

[September is the month of Fall. As in falling back to your home or base. It is now fall, it will get chilly and may even snow. All you now it is time to defend the house, your parents are only coming home when this month is over. Or was that the families radio, you couldn't remember.]

[October is the month of luck. Though you should know the previous months still happened, so you are in lock down. It is up to luck for you to survive let alone get some good items.]

[I talked about December earlier, so November is the last one for me to talk about. The month of Eating, nonstop food is available everywhere. These items are special because they are all limited time food items. Of course if you can get a hold of some, you could mass produce some for yourself, becareful to not make your self a target though.]

[That is about all I feel like talking about right now. I have more and more to say, but they are about to open up your can of worms. Have fun and remember, believe in your Wurms.]

"Congratulations on the new years and the new birthdays! Please everyone, come and welcome our new first years!"

Yelled an old man in pure white clothing and flowing red hair, both on top of his head and on his face.

He wasn't the headmaster, but the biggest donator for the Start Festival and the applicants who got in had him to thank.

As tradition, the biggest donor gets to chose the criteria for entry into Agent Academy. The First School, teaching everyone to use thier newfound ability, had many people wanting to be taught. So to be fair, they allowed the person who paid for those seats to chose how those seats were used.

When the price he donated was shown, everyone was flabbergasted, even the man himself. The price was higher than what he was charged. He smirked and decided to ignore it. They now had more seats than people applying, the first in this creation of reality.