“The things we do for happiness…”

After spending such a long time studying up on Kaiju, Haseo felt like a subject matter expert!

"Nope can't do this at all. Why am I not even 1% through with all of them?!?! So far all the books are written to get a generally guess on what Kaiju you might be up against. But no direct names or reallt even any real direct thing. All of it is so vague and up to the reader to understand what the hell this information could help with."

But Haseo served his 13 years of reading and it was time to move on. "So for my Lifeform I got a Pod, a Kaijin, and now I am moving onto… eh. Why am I doing it like this? Shouldn't I be getting the pod stronger or something. Like I guess it makes sense since I am just going through the days one 13 year day at a time and all. But for some reason, I feel like doing the 1st day of all months would work better or something."

[What is your view on why you had to study up so vaguely on Kaiju?]

The final question before really moving on appeared. It was finally time to get the show on the road. To look inside yourself and find-.

"Shit, I can't believe I forgot. I mean, 13 years of nonstop reading with no sleep or need to use the restroom or eat can cause me to lack the time to think about the past."

Haseo paused and laughed. "Oh man, at least the giant time gaps are making me forget the past! This is good, I think a lot of stuff that I forgot was bad. I mean I am less sad than I normally am right now."

"But the point of the reading wouldn't be something so simple. I believe it should be because Kaiju can be anything. Trying to focus and study on all of them would be improbable."

"So certain movements or such would be better at helping me understand if the Kaiju is going to rampage or if it just got lost and made its way over."

"I mean come on. Oh this giant creature is peacefully existing in the water and it had the audacity to swim where we randomly decided to test drop a nuke."

"Now the monster is pissed, not dead or hurt, pissed. It is obviously going to rampage. It is a giant monster and not local."

"You think some giant monster went to public school to learn your specific language so when you drop a nuke on them, they can what, come up to you and say 'Excuse me, I followed the trial of smoke from something that hurt me to here. I see you speak English, well what would you know, I happened to go to Giant Monsters Who Visit Planets And Happen To Get Nuked By A Country Who Speaks English Elementary School. As someone who went to GMWVPAHTGNBACWSEES, I understand you mean no harm. Oh I would get closer but my giant feet would destroy your city, my tail would crush and kill thousands. Luckily you are going to send someone over to me to talk with me about this, right?'"

Haseo shook his head. "But nope. Another nuke on the Kaiju and another. All it does is piss it off. But it roared in pain, ergo a monster that needs to die because I didn't really like that."

"Freaking stupid, poor Kaiju getting attacked because little pink ape has a small dick or whatever. I mean if you see something that big, you know the brain is big too."

"With all I read, 99% percent of the Kaiju are just straight up smarter than humans could ever accomplish."

Haseo smiled as he looked up at the sky. But then something caused him to frown. "Sorry what was I saying? I can't seem to remember any of the words I spoke at all."

As he started pacing, a bad habit made worse as he spent a majority of the 13 years waking around, he then remembered to check his system.

He saw the logs and saw the question he was asked. "Oh, okay. Um, vague Kaiju knowledge yada yada. I guess it is the same with humans, the whole reading the body and context clues I now know to look out for."

"I mean what is the difference between an adult alligator Kaiju and a younger crocodile Kaiju? One's mouth is different? I mean look at humans, way more diverse but have way more words for it."

"Though that could be due to humans love for committing sins. They are so filled with sins they have to keep making up things that make them different than someone else."

"Granted some of it is different, but that would be using logic and not sin. So most of humanity fail at being good."

Haseo stopped pacing. "Did reading so much cause me to be… more forgetful than I normally am?"

Haseo was still stuck in the room and hasn't moved into the next big thing. His mind kept wondering and his thoughts kept pouring out of his mouth.

Sometimes he would say what he needed to say and other times he went on hour long tangents about random things that had nothing to do with what was being asked.

If it was commmon knowledge that all information provided will, at the very end, make up your own very universe. Maybe Haseo would have tried better to focus on everything that left his mouth or body movement that affected the outcome.

Being stuck, Haseo read the system message again and tried coming up with what he believed is the right thing to say.

"Last try I guess, before I just start randomly saying stuff till this place gets sick of me and I can move on."

Haseo took a deep breath and started his last try.

In the end, after talking about how lame most monster things he has seen in media was, the reading was probably because the entity in charge of the question really hated how dumb everyone was when it came with dealing with Kaiju.

But he was still stuck, so he just started talking and talking. Having no sense of time anymore, he didn't know how long it took before he found himself in a new room with a gun in his hand and laying in a pile of blood.

"Uh, is this the last entity getting back at me for talking so he gave me the same migraine I gave him or did this new entity get mad I was late she made this body kill itself so I would show up?"

"Hmm, so much to wonder about. I guess it is only fair to.-"

[Guns are meant for many things, most involve making a living thing not. But what is the gun in your hand? Why are you in a pile of blood with a gun you can't remember?]

Haseo has read some weird things but this made him wonder if it was just stupid. Of course he remembers the gun in his hand. He looked at it so he knows.

Haseo knows, right? All he has to do is look at his hand to notice the type of gun. He looked at his hand and chuckled.

"It is obviously a invisible gun that doesn't have any weight or matter. It can also make the blood pile I am in disappear? Huh,nope that is dumb, what is going on?"

The room Haseo was in suddenly exploded, destroying his body and making him feel horrible pain.

It was all darkness and it seemed nothing existed.

"Hey man, get up. This isn't the time to be slacking. What if someone finds you? I mean all this talking you have been doing isn't helping you hide."

This darkness was no longer fun. It seemed to have stuff exist in it. Haseo wasn't use to dreams being blank, he thought maybe nonexistance was a thing and his sorry butt almost ended up in it.

Opening up his eyes, he made himself show a smile before picking his head up. "Thanks for waking me up man, I thought it was all over. Uh, gun is visible but not the person the voice was coming from? No wait, was that my voice? I was just talking to myself… like I am now."

The gun Haseo held in his hand was a melted gun that didn't work. He knew he shouldn't test it but he pulled the trigger and nothing.

He tossed the gun and stood up.

Looking around he found himself in a generic office space. Everything looked off, he walked over to the only window he could find and checked outside of it.

"Spaceship in the shape of a office building or maybe a space office building that someone decided to build with a very thin CRACKED WINDOW."

Haseo was lost in thought and didn't focus on what he saw outside the window. He only did a quick glance and saw space and barren earth.