Just like that?

"Miss, I thought you were the one who wanted to come back to work ASAP…"

"Baah, Sin. I'm so tired…"

"You were grounded for not even half a day. And even if you were grounded for a long time, there is nothing tiring about that, is there? You are just staying home basically"

"Do you think Ema just let me chill in my room?"


"I was getting interrogated. Like she literally brought a doll asking 'show me on this doll where Sin touched you'"

"Jesus Christ… but that was YOUR fault for suddenly coming up with nonsense!"

"And then I had to write 'I see the error of my ways. I repent' 500 times"

"Sounds more like Spanish Inquisition than just teaching you a lesson. Why do you put up with all that though?"

"Well… it's Ema. She can be a bit like that"

"Is it because Document X? What is that about?"

"Hooooold it there. We are never gonna talk about that, OK?"

"If you say so, Miss"
