It's Pink

"Miss, I'm really sorry to be pushing this on you immediately after your return, but we can't afford to put this off"

"It's OK, Sin. I understand"

"So are you ready?"

"As always"

Hina beamed me a smile as we entered the room full of reporters and the whole room was already getting filled with sound and flashes of cameras. 

After we finally found and got Hina back, I arranged for a press conference so that Hina could show herself in public again and allay the FUD over the Chan Group's future in the market - Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. 

This wasn't to be a charismatic rally that we staged before, but a calm assurance for the public that everything was business as usual. After all, we had the FTAP in the bag, and aside from Hina's disappearance and the resulting absence of leadership, there wasn't a major disaster or crisis in the running of the company.