Chapter 3 : new life

Seeing the familiar main hall and the throne

that looks exactly like the throne in Zhangtai Palace, the main palace of the Qin Dynasty,

but just smaller

Without hesitation, he walked towards the throne, knowing that this palace was his opportunrealiseise and his future strength.

Sitting on the golden throne and waiting for some time , without anything happening

Long Su uses his brain to think about what to do to activate the palace.

"Long live Daqin."

"Long live the first empire."

"Long live moonlight."

"Long live the sky."

After setting and Seeing nothing happening, Long Su shouted for a long time with a different name, also nothing happened.

'Maybe the answer in the throne ' with this thought

Long Su felt the cool, smooth stone beneath his fingertips as he stroked his hands over the throne's surface.

The throne was decorated with complex carvings of dragons and other mythological creatures, and he tried everything that could help him trigger the ability, but ultimately nothing worked.

While searching and touching the throne

Long Su noticed the existence of the skeleton slaves in the main hall with stupid looks on their bony faces.

They stood motionless, like statues made of bone.

He turned around to face the skeleton slaves in the main hall, who were saluting. He gave the command,

"Protect the palace while I'm away." "Allow no one to enter or harm it in my absence."With their empty eyes fixed forward, the skeletal slaves gave a dutiful nod.

Suddenly, one of the skeletons moved, its joints creaking and popping as it turned to face Long Su. Its mouth opened as if to speak, but no sound came out, and then it returned to its old soulless state again.

As he stared at them, Long Su couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

Their skeletons and lifeless appearances were disturbing, despite their obedience and loyalty.

Long Su took one last look around the throne room before returning to the playground through the magical portal.

He was left his world and was standing in his original place , surrounded by the bustle of the playground, as the portal vanished behind him.

The magic circle in the center of the playground disappeared, and no ethereal light could be seen anywhere.

I looked around and found darkness covering the sky, and I saw that most of the hundreds of students around the playground hadn't come out of the river of time.

At this time, except for long su, about 30 to 40 people return to reality.

But not all the people happy, There were even a few girls with tears flowing over them. Just hearing their crying, you can imagine that they lost this opportunity to become a lord.

There are not many people who can awaken the Lord's talent.

Only about one in twenty and some years one in fifty

In the Dragon Kingdom, students have two choices for study.

One option is to awaken the lord's ability, take the lord's exclusive high school entrance exam, attend a lord-specific school, and serve in the armed forces and police after graduation.

Students who have failed to awaken their Lord's talents can only take the standard high school entrance exam and the college entrance exam.

become an unhappy worker who might excel in other domains while being exploited by his boss.

As a result, awakening the Lord's talent is equal to designing a new and better degree of lifestyle.

Seeing long su success awakens his Lord's talent.

A middle-aged teacher approached him and said, "Student, congratulations on your awakening. You can go to your home now and come back early tomorrow to get familiar with your new Lord classroom."

"Okay, teacher." Until now, he did not have any time to study the new memories and understand his new life.

From class to the playground and entering the river of time, it all happened quickly, and he did not have time to understand everything. Hearing that he could go home, he nodded quickly.

Tracing the way home using memories. It took no more than 10 minutes of walking, and he arrived at a two-story house with a beautiful front garden.

As he went around the house, he spotted a little table in the corner, decorated with a single photograph in an ordinary frame. He approached the table and took up the photograph; according to his memory, this was the photo of his parents.

The snapshot depicted a middle-aged couple, their features wrinkled but their eyes filled with laughter.

They were standing in front of a beautiful mountain landscape, their arms around one another's waists, their smiles big and sincere.

Long Su couldn't help but feel sad and lost as he gazed at the photograph. He realized that he had taken over this body and that he had destroyed the former owner's existence.

He pondered how the couple in the photos would react if they realized what had happened to their child.

Even though the original owner didn't have many memories about them because they died mysteriously 10 years ago,

maybe the death of parents to a child who was 6 years old made him love the death element and work hard to make his world seed have death attributes and realize the death element.

Despite these thoughts, Long Su felt a sense of motivation and purpose.

He understood he had the obligation to do; someone who knows nothing about this world anticipates the memory of 'long su '.

As a new long su, he will seek to solve the murder of his parents.

He returned the photograph to the table, gave it one long, lingering glance, and then went around to the bedroom to prepare for his future.

confront the challenges that awaited him on the path to creating his world.

He lay down on his sleeping bed with the idea that he need to study all the memories big and small to be start point of the beginning of his new life.