chapter 8 :faith

As the final bell of the day rang out,

Long Su and Chen Shuirong wasted no time gathering their belongings and rushing out of the school, eager to embark on their next adventure.


They had made plans to meet later today and venture into one of the many dungeons that dotted the landscape around the city.


Long Su arrived at his territory, his footsteps silent as he navigated the maze of skeletal guards standing sentinel around his small palace.


Instead of disturbing them, he chose to teleport directly to the throne at the centre of the room.


He settled in the throne and change into a meditative pose and down, cross-legged.


settled himself in the grand hall of his palace, surrounded by the weighty silence of ancient stones and the fading echoes of past glories.


With a deep breath, he opened the tomes provided by Teacher Li, his fingers tracing the embossed letters on their spines: "Elementary Use of Faith" and "Elementary Ways to Increase Faith.".



Closing his eyes, he began to follow the prescribed exercises, reaching out with his senses to the faint currents of faith energy that coursed through the foundations of his territory.


At first, the power was elusive, a wisp of light barely discernible against the darkness of the earth.

But as he focused his will, the energy slowly responded, swelling and strengthening in response to his call.

Around him, a warm, golden light began to bloom, suffusing the palace with a soft radiance.


The light seemed almost sentient, drawn to the very heart of the territory—to the throne where Long Su sat.

It curled around him like a living thing, enveloping him in a cocoon of shimmering power.




There was an explosion in my mind, and then a large amount of information entered my mind.


"The influx of information was like a lightning bolt, searing through Long Su's consciousness and leaving him breathless.


He sat there for a moment, his mind reeling as he struggled to process the sudden influx of knowledge.


As he opened his eyes, it was clear that something had changed.


A spark of excitement danced in his gaze, a glimmer of understanding and possibility.


It turned out that the information he had received was intimately connected to the very foundations of his territory.


The small palace possessed a remarkable ability, one that could be invoked once a year

the power to sacrifice a building or similar structure within its bounds, using the energy released to build 'its'own civilization, from military to civilian buildings.


But the sacrifice required a price—a sacrifice of faith, whether drawn from the beliefs of his own followers or from the captured units and killing of his enemies.


Long Su could feel the weight of this responsibility, t

he burden of knowing that his decisions would shape the destiny of his territory and all those who were inside it to

rebuild Daqin as a home for him who wanted to have his route in this dangerous unknown world



However, despite the potential of the small palace's sacrifice ability, Long Su quickly realised that he was in a difficult situation.


His territory was small and sparsely populated, with only a handful of skeleton soldiers to generate the faith energy required as a fuel to activate the ability.


The meagre amount of faith produced by these units was nowhere near enough to sustain the growth and development of his realm.



As the small palace upgraded and gained new abilities, the requirements for faith energy would only increase.


placing greater pressure on Long Su to find new sources of faith .


But as a young student, he knew that his options were limited.


He was far from being able to challenge powerful creatures or extract faith from other beings.


let alone engage in the complex and dangerous process of interdimensional exploration.


Long Su recognised the importance of setting achievable goals.


Despite the pressing demands of his territory, he knew that his immediate priority was to excel in his studies and prepare for the upcoming college entrance examination.


He set his sights on a prestigious university within the Word top ten universities of Dragon Kingdom,

determined to devote himself fully to the rigorous preparation required to achieve his academic goals.


As the top ten universities, these institutions not only have a large number of resources for the lord to develop

but also have a unique benefit after entering them.


That is, all top ten universities will have a different space portal that leads to hight world of different dimensions.


This is why some universities are the dram of every lord, while others are universities. Even if they give you money, all lords will never hesitate to decline entering them.


It was a challenge that would demand all of his time and effort, but one that he knew was essential to his future success.


The top ten university places less emphasis on cultural education and more on practical army leadership and command skills.

With his skeletal units and the Daqin Palace at his disposal

He felt more confident in his abilities and possibilities for success.


Although it is still hard, there is still hope.