chapter 18 : red trees

Long Su's inner conflict reached a fever pitch as he finally decided to heed the bird-like voice in his head.



Despite the jeers and scepticism of the crowd around him, he approached the vendor of the so-called "dragon blood trees."



The vendor, a wiry man with a thin moustache and beady eyes, looked at Long Su with a mixture of amusement and contempt. "Finally, a stupid student comes to take the bait," he muttered to himself, a smirk playing on his lips.


Long Su ignored the man's disdainful attitude and engaged him in a brief conversation about the trees. As they spoke, the crowd around them continued to mock and ridicule them. 


He remained steadfast in his decision. He purchased three of the dragon blood trees, each costing 100 gold coins, and turned to leave the market.


With the sealed tress securely in his bag, hurried home, his mind buzzing with anticipation. 


He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the trees than met the eye.


As he rushed through the streets, he could sense the curious and sceptical glances of passersby, but he paid them no mind. 


He had listened to the strange voice in his head, and he was determined to see where this path would lead.



Finally arriving home, he entered his 

Dimensional world into the small palace and made his way to a quiet, bones-garden 


With a deep breath, he activated the seal with the picture of the red tree. 


There was a sudden rush of energy around him, andthe small seal began to transform before his very eyes. 


The trees grew in size, their branches stretching towards the ceiling, and their wooden surfaces turned a deep, blood-red colour.


Long Su watched in awe as the trees took on a new form. Each tree stood tall and proud, its leaves shimmering with an otherworldly glow. 


The air was filled with a sense of fresh woodenpower, and Long Su could feel the bird-like voice within him growing louder and more insistent.


He reached out a hand and touched one of the trees, feeling the rough bark beneath his fingertips. It was warm to the touch, pulsing with energy. 


As he stood there, surrounded by the now-enchanted trees, he knew that the small palace needed it. But what did it all mean? And what would these mysterious trees mean for his 




The melodic chirping of a bird echoed through the air.


A dark halo emerged from the small palace, casting an ominous shadow over the surrounding red trees. 


Splashes of red and black intertwined, creating a dizzying mix of colours as the darkness slowly engulfed the trees. But despite the anticipation, nothing seemed to happen. 


Only a heavy blanket of dark clouds covered the once vibrant red trees, leaving long shadows that seemed to stretch endlessly into the horizon.



The scent of damp earth and pine lingered in the air, adding to the eerie atmosphere.


Long Su moved near the palace and stood outside, watching the scene unfold.


The bird's song grew louder and more frantic, and at the same time, the dark halo from the palace became like clouds of darkness. 


As long as he continued to watch, the dark halo began to recede, revealing the red trees once again. But the bird's song did not stop. 


It continued, growing louder and more insistent with each passing moment.

The darkness halo once again covered the red trees. 


He couldn't make out any features, but he could sense the power emanating from the darkness.


The bird's song reached a crescendo and then stopped abruptly, but the figures of the trees disappeared, and what you can see is onlythe black halo like a cloud covering the area where the red trees once stood. 



Long Su was just standingthere for a moment, unsure of what he had just witnessed. But he knew one thing for certain: the red trees have a big secret that no one knows about. 


Heapproached the area, reaching out a hand to touch it. 


But as soon as his fingers brushed against the edge of the darkness, he felt a powerful force repel him. 


It was as if an invisible shield was protecting the area, preventing him from entering or even getting close.

Frustrated, Long Su tried again and again to breach the shield, but to no avail. 


He felt a rising sense of inner conflict as he struggled to understand the nature of the barrier and what it was hiding.


He closed his eyes, focusing on the law of the dimensional world, trying to sense what lay beyond the shield. 


But no matter how hard he concentrated, he felt nothing.


It was as if the area within the shield didn't exist, as if it were a void of absolute nothingness.


Long Su stood there, conflicted and confused.