chapter 39 : city 4

When the rescue signal was first activated by Long Su,

a contingent of teachers soared through the air, their keen eyes surveying the embattled city below.

 An atmosphere of disappointment and concern hung heavily around them as they took in the sight of the students engaged in a desperate struggle against the formidable Blood Clan forces.

One teacher, his voice laced with exasperation, spoke up. "Teacher Li, Long Su is one of your students. Shall we intervene now?"

The others turned to face Li Zhao, an air of reverence and deference hanging over the group as they awaited her decision.

Li Zhao, with a stoic demeanor and unwavering voice, regarded the teacher with an impassive expression.

"There is no need for us to interfere just yet," he stated calmly, his voice carrying a hint of unyielding steel. "This experience will serve as a valuable lesson in the consequences of reckless action. Let him face the repercussions of his decisions."

Another teacher chimed in, a wry smile tugging at the corners of their mouth. "Indeed, perhaps a taste of adversity will do him some good. After all, it was his choice to venture into the heart of the conflict."

As the teachers deliberated, their attention was drawn to the city, now swathed in a dense, mysterious fog.

A palpable unease settled over the group as they observed the eerie phenomenon; their eyes narrowed in contemplation.

"What could be the cause of this strange fog?" one teacher wondered aloud, their voice tinged with concern.

"It seems to be obscuring the entire city."

Li Zhao furrowed her brow,

his sharp gaze scanning the shrouded landscape. "Whatever the source may be, we must remain vigilant. But I think this fog was created by Long Su, and his activation of the rescue signal in front of the city has one meaning."

"He wants us to clean up the trouble he makes."

The teachers exchanged nods of agreement, their faces etched with determination as they steeled themselves for the trials that lay ahead.

Their focus shifted back to the battle below.

the first half-hour ticked away, a sense of urgency gripped the assembled teachers.

A female teacher, her voice laced with concern, broke the tense silence.

"Teacher Li, we can't afford to wait any longer. The protective field's stability will deteriorate rapidly after the initial half-hour, placing Long Su in grave danger."

Teacher Li Zhao considered the teacher's words, his expression betraying a flicker of apprehension, before he nodded decisively.

"Very well. We shall move in now, but exercise caution. Our objective is not to elements the Blood Clan's forces; we need captives to populate the future dungeon. Drive them back, but do not annihilate them."

At Li Zhao's command, the teachers summoned a formidable army, hundreds of thousands strong and different group of creatures including half humans, beasts but monst of them are human , comprised of level 3 and 4 units.

The assembled forces surged forth from the southern direction, an imposing wave of might and determination.

As the Blood Clan's attention remained fixed on the besieged city, the sudden onslaught from the south caught them unprepared.

The ferocity of the teachers' assault left the enemy's southern ranks in tatters; their forces were obliterated within moments.

The city lord, witnessing the devastation of his army, felt a cold dread seep into his bones.

With a single, panicked glance towards the teachers' unstoppable advance, he abandoned any semblance of dignity and honor.

Turning tail, he fled towards the sanctuary of the forest, his desperate escape a stark contrast to the bravery and resolve he had once exuded.

The sight of their leader's cowardice reverberated through the Blood Clan's ranks

—a palpable shockwave of disbelief and disillusionment.

One after another's soldiers, followed the city lord's example, casting aside their weapons wich will effect their running speed as they scrambled to escape the teachers' unrelenting assault.

Their once-fearsome forces now scattered in disarray, the Blood Clan's aura of invincibility crumbled, replaced by the bitter taste of defeat.

With the city liberated and the enemy in full retreat, the teachers' forces ceased their pursuit, allowing the remnants of the Blood Clan to flee into the shadowy embrace of the forest.

In the wake of the Blood Clan's humiliating retreat, the teachers' group assembled before Long Su, who remained encased within the protective golden light.

Despite his uncertain circumstances, Long Su mustered a respectful greeting.

"Greetings, teachers." Although he recognized only Teacher Li among them,

their mere presence offered a sense of reassurance.Li Zhao stepped forward, his gaze locked on the shimmering barrier, as he addressed Long Su.

"You know that using the rescue signal will lead to your eliminating your boon." His tone was firm yet tinged with concern, his eyes lingering on the dissipating golden light.

As he reached out to touch the barrier, it flickered and vanished, revealing a weary but unscathed Long Su.

Without waiting for his answer, teacher Li Zhao posed the question that lingered in the minds of her fellow teachers. "This peculiar fog that enshrouds the city—is it a result of your actions?"

Long Su hesitated, a hint of apprehension coloring his features as he considered the consequences of his admission.

Nevertheless, he knew that honesty was paramount in the face of such an inquiry.

"Yes, Teacher Li," he confessed,

his voice steady despite his inner turmoil. "I used a special sealing card in an attempt to capture the city. However, the process is intricate and time-consuming, which has resulted in the peculiar fog that now envelops the area."

His voice held a mixture of determination and regret, his gaze momentarily dropping to the ground as he considered the consequences of his actions.

The surrounding fog, though dissipating, still cast an eerie pall over the scene, a tangible manifestation of the unpredictable sealing scroll that Long Su had unleashed.

The teachers listened intently, their expressions a blend of unbelievable and shocking experiences

Though they recognized Long Su's intentions as admirable, it was clear that his rash decision-making had led to unforeseen achievements

The teachers can see the exchanged shock of each other

Teacher Li's gaze pierced through Long Su as he posed the question, his tone betraying a hint of excitement. "Long Su, do you fully grasp the implications of possessing a city within your World Seed?"