chapter 41 punishment

As the students, hailing from various academic years, poured out from the Demi-World dungeon gate

they were met with a sight that froze them in their tracks.


Several suspended feet above the ground

a group of students hung upside down from the rafters, like bats roosting in a cave. 


The bizarre spectacle triggered a kaleidoscope of reactions among the onlookers—a potent mix of shock, curiosity, and a touch of dark amusement.



"Well, the school must've concocted quite the lesson for the new students," remarked a senior student,

his gaze narrowed in appraisal, the corners of his mouth twitching into a smirk. His sharp and observant eyes took in every detail of the scene, an unspoken understanding dawning in their depths.

"But why the upside-down thing?" queried another student, his brow creased in concentration, the wheels in his mind spinning furiously.


He adjusted his spectacles, his fingers fidgeting with the frames, a nervous habit that surfaced whenever he was lost in thought.



As the students drew nearer, their expressions morphed into a spectrum of emotions.

Whispers of speculation rippled through the crowd, a susurration that bounced off the stone walls.


A few snickered at the sight, their laughter echoing through the cavernous space like the cackling of hyenas, while others, their empathy stirred, winced at the evident discomfort the suspended students must be experiencing. 


The upside-down students, their faces flushed with a blend of embarrassment and unease, endured their punishment with varying degrees of grace.


Some squirmed in their bindings, desperate to find a modicum of comfort in their predicament, while others bore their sentence with stoic resignation, their bodies eerily still, like living statues.

Only Long Su and couples of students stay calm in front of everyone eyes.



More students from higher grades keep coming out from Demi-World gates.

Their eyes surveyed the crowd of students, and the look of hung upside down from the rafters didn't feel any shocking look , ensuring that all were accounted for it since along time


With a satisfied smile, one of the male teachers stepped forward, his voice carrying a tone of authority that demanded attention.



"Students," he announced, "please make your way towards the buses. Tomorrow, the school will honor the top three students from each class with their well-deserved rewards."


Another teacher, a tall woman with a stern demeanor, addressed the group. Her gaze swept across the assembled students, her piercing eyes seeming to bore into each and every one of them.



"As you can see," she said, her voice ringing with severity, "these students have used the rescue signal due to the perilous situations they've put themselves in"

"The consequences of their actions cannot be ignored. Let this serve as a stark reminder to all of you—responsibility and accountability are of the utmost importance in the life of a lord."


Her words hung heavy in the air, a solemn reminder of the gravity of their chosen path. 


"Remember," she continued, her voice softening slightly, "your life holds more value than any summoned creature. Never forget to prioritize your safety as you traverse the dangerous landscapes of our world."

" Knowing your strength and ability is an essential ability for your survival in any dungeon, Don't try to eat more than you can handle"


The students absorbed her words; their expressions were a mixture of contemplation and contrition.

The lesson was not lost on them—a moment of recklessness could lead to dire consequences, a truth that was etched in the faces of their punished peers. 


The female teacher, her presence commanding attention, began a lengthy discourse on the importance of self-preservation.


Her words, though bordering on didactic, were saturated with undeniable truth. 


The gravity of her message was not lost on the students; their gazes fixed on her as they absorbed her wisdom.



"Remember, your life is a sacred flame that must be tended to with vigilance and care," she intoned, her voice imbued with the weight of experience. "Recklessness and imprudence can snuff out this flame, leading to consequences that reverberate far beyond the immediate."

As her speech stretched on, some students began to fidget, their attention waning under the barrage of admonishments.


Despite this, the power of her message remained undiminished, the weight of her words settling heavily upon the young cultivators.



Finally, as the last echoes of her discourse faded into silence, the teacher raised a hand, her fingers curling around the floating punishment scroll.


With a decisive gesture, she dispelled the magic that held the students aloft, their bodies drifting gently to the ground.

Long Su, his muscles aching from the prolonged inversion, felt a surge of relief as he righted himself.


Around him, his fellow students mirrored his actions, their faces etched with a mixture of gratitude and contemplation.


The lesson, though delivered in a long-winded manner, had left an indelible mark on their minds, a constant reminder to tread the path of cultivation with caution and wisdom.



As the day drew to a close, the students, released from their punishment, made their way home.

Their steps were measured, their expressions pensive, each lost in their own thoughts as they digested the events of the day.


The teacher's words echoed in their minds, a solemn reminder of their responsibilities and the gravity of their choices.

For Long Su, The experience was a transformative one, a stepping stone on his journey in this new world where he only stayed here for less than a month. 


He finally arrived at home, and just the thought of sleeping in his comfortable bed was what kept him awake after all the long and exhausting days inside the Demi-World dungeon.