chapter 43 : meeting 2

The principal, his tone shifting to a more business-like tenor, leaned forward, his elbows resting on the desk. "Let us now focus on the crux of today's meeting,"

he declared. "Your ownership of a city necessitates a change in your academic standing. Remaining a first-year student is no longer possible."

He paused, his eyes darting to the calendar on the wall, an indication of the passage of time.

"Given that less than a month has elapsed since the commencement of the academic year, transitioning you to the third-year class would be the most prudent course of action."

"This will afford you sufficient time to construct your towns and villages, thereby satisfying the requirements for graduation."

The principal's gaze returned to Long Su, his expression serious yet encouraging. "Given your unique circumstance of commanding an army of skeletons, the curriculum of the first and second years would have a limited impact on your growth. "

"However, the third-year syllabus, with its emphasis on battlefield tactics and army leadership, would prove invaluable."

With a decisive gesture, he slid a card across the desk toward Long Su. "Furthermore, the school will provide you with a grant of 100,000 gold coins. "

"This is both a token of congratulations for your impressive progress and an aid for your continued development of your seed world."

Long Su, his gratitude evident in his eyes, reached for the card, a heartfelt "Thank you, Principal,I will never let you down " on his lips. The principal nodded in acknowledgment, his eyes reflecting his faith in the young spirit

"I have no doubt you will rise to the challenge," he affirmed, a hint of pride in his voice. With that, he dismissed Long Su, who rose from his seat, card in hand, and exited the office, his mind buzzing with the implications of his newfound status and resources.

As Long Su navigated the familiar halls of the school, the weight of the day's revelations settled on his shoulders.

His promotion to the third-year class, the challenges that lay ahead, and the generous grant from the school all pointed towards an accelerated journey of growth



Long Su made his way towards the exit, his thoughts still swirling with the events of the past few hours.

Lost in his reflections, he was surprised to find Chen Shuirong waiting for him at the school's entrance, her figure silhouetted against the setting sun.

"Chen Shuirong?" he called out, his voice echoing in the now-empty courtyard. She turned at the sound of her name, a flicker of surprise crossing her features.



"Long Su," she replied, her tone a blend of relief and nervousness. "I was hoping to catch you before you left."

Chen Shuirong, having secured the second-highest points in their class, had been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to share her success with Long Su. 


However, her elation was short-lived as she learned of his impending departure to the third-year class.


As Long Su relayed the news, a smile touched Chen Shuirong's lips, her words offering heartfelt congratulations. "I'm so happy for you, Long Su," she said, her voice steady despite the bittersweet undercurrents. 



"This is a tremendous opportunity, and I know you'll make the most of it."

Despite her genuine happiness for Long Su, an unspoken sadness lingered in her heart.


The thought of him leaving their class, no longer sharing the same lessons and experiences, filled her with an unexpected sense of loss.



Long Su, perceptive of the mixed emotions playing across her face, felt a pang of worry

He reached out, his hand lightly touching her shoulder in a gesture of reassurance.




"I'll still be here, in the same school," he reminded her gently. "We'll still see each other, and I'll always be here if you need me."



Chen Shuirong, her eyes shining with a hint of unshed tears, nodded. "I know," she whispered, her voice barely audible. 


A wistful sigh escaped Chen Shuirong's lips as she gazed at Long Su, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "It's just... we've come so far together," she murmured, her voice tinged with a hint of sorrow. "I'll miss having you in class."

Long Su's heart clenched at the sight of his dear friend's sadness, and he gently reached out to take her hand in his. "Hey," he said softly, his voice filled with warmth and reassurance. "Today should be a day of celebration for both of us. Let's not dwell on the distance that may come between us. Instead, let's cherish this moment and create new memories together."

A flicker of hope ignited in Chen Shuirong's eyes as she listened to Long Su's words.

Her lips quirked into a tentative smile, and she nodded, squeezing his hand in agreement. "You're right, Long Su," she whispered. "We should celebrate your transition to the third-year class and my achievement in securing second place in our class."

With renewed enthusiasm, Chen Shuirong laced her fingers through Long Su's and tugged him towards the bustling food street,

her laughter ringing through the air like a melodious song. Long Su couldn't help but feel his spirits lift as he followed her lead

the warmth of her hand in his was a comforting reminder of their enduring friendship.

As they weaved their way through the vibrant stalls and mouthwatering aromas, the cares and worries of the day seemed to fade away.

All that mattered in that moment was the joy of sharing this experience with Chen Shuirong, and the bond between them was strengthened by the ups and downs of their shared journey.

They found a quaint little restaurant nestled between the bustling food stalls and settled in to enjoy a meal together.

Laughter and conversation flowed effortlessly as they reminisced about their time in the same class and shared their dreams for the future.

Long Su couldn't help but marvel at the way Chen Shuirong's eyes sparkled with excitement as she spoke of her aspirations, her infectious enthusiasm inspiring him to reach for greater heights.



As Long Su walked through the bustling streets, a sense of profound detachment washed over him.

For the first time since his arrival in this strange, unfamiliar world, he allowed himself to truly feel free from the weight of his otherness.

Inheriting the memories of both Long Su and Fu Su had left him with a fragmented sense of identity, an amalgamation of two lives that never quite felt like his own.

He had spent his days trying to emulate the actions of those around him, donning the mask of normality to blend in with the crowd.

Yet, beneath the facade, a lingering sense of alienation haunted him, a quiet reminder of his disconnect from the world he now inhabited.

Long Su's footsteps slowed, the noise of the bustling city fading into a dull roar as he retreated further into the recesses of his mind.

He felt like a wanderer, lost in a world that was both familiar and foreign, straddling the line between two identities without fully belonging to either.

The absence of a true sense of self left a hollow ache in his chest, a constant companion in his journey through this strange, new existence. His thoughts were consumed by questions of identity, purpose, and belonging.


Who was he, beyond the echoes of memories that were not his own?

As the people around him continued on with their lives, laughing, talking, and living, Long Su was struck by the cruel irony of his situation. 


In a world teeming with life and energy, he was adrift, a solitary figure searching for a connection that seemed just out of reach.



The loneliness that had been simmering beneath the surface now threatened to consume him, its cold tendrils wrapping around his heart.

He longed for a sense of belonging, for a connection that would anchor him to this world and make him feel less like an outsider.



As the sun descended beneath the horizon, the sky was set ablaze with a vibrant tapestry of warm oranges and delicate pinks.


Against this breathtaking backdrop, Long Su and Chen Shuirong found themselves immersed in a moment of serene understanding. 


The air was thick with a poignant blend of emotions, the weight of their impending separation tempered by the reassurance of their enduring connection.


Their paths, once intertwined, were now diverging, each of them embarking on a new chapter in their respective journeys.


 Yet the bond they had forged through shared experiences, mutual support, and countless moments of laughter and tears remained unbreakable.

It was a testament to the depth of their friendship, an unspoken promise that no matter where life took them, they would always carry a piece of each other in their hearts.


As the twilight deepened, they exchanged one final promise, their voices tinged with a mix of anticipation and nostalgia.

They vowed to stay in touch, to keep the flame of their friendship burning brightly despite the distance that would soon separate them.


With a deep, steady breath, Long Su and Chen Shuirong parted ways. As they made their way home, they were enveloped in a whirlwind of emotions—a poignant blend of sadness, hope, and gratitude for the memories they had created together.