chapter 45 : city attribute

Long Su surveyed his skeletal subjects, a sense of satisfaction filling his heart. 



The feeling of this moment was not long; he knew that his actions and decisions from this point onward would shape the fate of his realm and its inhabitants.



With a confidence that belied his initial satisfaction, Long Su finally broke the silence, his voice ringing out clearly and commandingly. "Rise,"his words resonating throughout the hushed room.


In that instant, every skeleton warrior responded to their king's command, rising as one, their movements fluid and synchronized.



As they stood before him, their eyes fixed upon his regal figure, Long Su felt the weight of their expectations settle upon his shoulders. 


These warriors, forged by his will and bound to his purpose, were a testament to his growing power and influence. 


Yet, they also served as a reminder of the trust and responsibility that came with such authority.



With them around, Long Su will never feel alone.



Long Su closed his eyes, focusing his thoughts inward as he reached out to communicate with his world seed.


His mind melded with information flooded to his consciousness, revealing the attributes of his first city, Xianyang.


Xianyang City: The First Imperial City

Number of houses: 5000

Number of Mansons: 10 

Number of palaces: 1 


1. The Law of Qin: 

 Daqin Iron Law capable of governing any race 

2-Qin iron army : Any type of unit under the banner of daqin can evolve through battlefield experience

3-Inactive (Requires First Empire Imperial Edict)

4-Inactive (Unknown)

5-Inactive (Unknown)


Effects of Repopulating the City:

1. Normal Houses:

Produce 100 to 150 Skeleton Slaves per day

Produce 10 to 25 skeleton militias per day.

Produce 1 to 2 skeleton soldiers per day. 

2. Mansions:

Produce 1 to 5 (5-man skeleton commanders) per day.

Produce 1 to 2 (50-man skeleton commander) per month.

3. Palace:

Produce 1 Imperial Guard per month.

4. Gold Production:

Generate 10,000 golden coins per day.

5. Faith Generation:

Generate 1,000 Daqin Faith points per day.


Long Su carefully considered the attributes of Xianyang City, pondering the potential advantages and challenges they presented. 


The Law of Qin offered the promise of unity and order among diverse races, while the Qin iron army attribute opened up a world of possibilities for the growth and evolution of his army.


He also analyzed the effects of repopulating Xianyang City and recognized the strategic importance of each component in fostering growth and stability. 


The daily production of skeleton slaves, militia, and skeleton soldiers from the houses would provide the foundation for his workforce and defense power. 



The mansions' contribution as commanderswould bring structure and expertise to their military forces, enhancing their overall effectiveness. 


The palace, as the heart of his domain, held the potential to generate elite imperial guards, further strengthening his type of units. 


The consistent generation of golden coins and Daqin faith points would serve as essential resources for the expansion and development of his empire. 


With these elements working in harmony, Long Su felt assured that the repopulation of Xianyang City would pave the way for him to build his future home. 


However, the inactive attributes remained an enigma, their potential power and purpose shrouded in mystery.


To unlock the full potential of Xianyang City, Long Su knew that he would need to somehow get 

his' father' imperial Edic



Long Su's focus shifted towards the military buildings within his domain, and he couldn't help but notice the remarkable transformations that had taken place. 


For the trees in the background of the palace, The bone trees vanished, and only the three facked dragon blood trees stood resolute in the background, each tree still covered by darkness, their presence a testament to forbidding areas. 


For the buildings, the once-Royal Guard camp and War Academy had vanished, leaving no trace of their former existence.


Butfor the other buildings, the Daqin Militia camp and Craftsman camp had evolved into new,


impressive structures that promised progress and strength.


The Daqin Militia camp had given way to the Daqin Barracks, a sprawling complex designed to house and train the ever-expanding ranks of Long Su's military forces.


The barracks' sturdy walls and orderly layout bore testament to the discipline and might of his soldiers, signifying the evolution of the militia into a formidable fighting force.

- - - - - - -

[Daqin Barracks] 

The foundation of the Iron Qin army's 


Skeleton slaves cost: 1 gold coin 

Skeleton Militia cost: 5 gold coins 

Skeleton soldier cost: 20 gold coins 




Similarly, the Craftsman camp had undergone a metamorphosis, rising from its humble origins to become a towering edifice known as the Craftsman Tower. 


The structure soared high into the sky, its intricate architecture and imposing height a fitting homage to the skill and ingenuity of the craftsmen who resided within. 


This new tower heralded an era of advanced research, innovation, and the creation of powerful weapons and tools that would further bolster the capabilities of Long Su's domain.



[Craftsman Tower] 

The center of the research on civilians and military tools's 



Master Civilians Craftsman cost: 100 gold coins 

Master military craftsman cost: 500 gold coins 



As Long Su surveyed the Daqin Barracks and Craftsman Tower, he couldn't help but marvel at the extent of the changes that had reshaped his world. 


These new structures, born of progress and ambition, would play pivotal roles in the growth and development of his territory. 



As the master of Xianyang City, Long Sunow possessed the power to summon and train soldiers while establishing his rule from his throne.



The current military force within the world seed comprised 500 sword- and shield-wielding skeleton militias, 300 spear-wielding skeleton militias, and approximately 400 slave skeletons. 


Recognizing the need to repopulate the city and strengthen his domain, 


Long Su began the process of summoning additional units.



He started by summoning 9,600 skeleton slaves and commanding them, along with the remaining 400 skeleton slaves, to take up residence within the city's houses.


With a wave of his hand, the slaves marched towards their new homes, their bones clattering softly as they moved in unison towards every house in the city. 


Long Su watched as the golden coins, totaling 9,600, vanished from his treasury; it didn't affect him because this gold was all given by the principal.


My money, I feel sorry if I spend it, but other money, you will feel sorry if you don't spend it.


Next, he summoned 100 skeleton militias to join the 400 sword and shield skeleton militias to occupy the mansions.


And leave the spacial 100 one behind in the palace. 


The militia, ever-loyal and disciplined, followed their king's command without hesitation, their gleaming weapons and armor a testament to their martial prowess.



As the final skeleton entered its designated home, a palpable shift swept through Xianyang City.


It was not a change in color or appearance, but a spiritual awakening, a newfound vitality that seemed to ripple through the streets and structures. The city was transforming. 


transcending its skeletal foundations to become a thriving, living entity, pulsing with energy and potential.