
Li Mu is a Spanish student studying abroad.

Although I am not very willing to study abroad, Complutense University is located in downtown Madrid, and there is Real Madrid Club here.

The attraction of being able to watch the game live made Li Mu, a senior fan, immediately succumb to his parents' financial power.

Although today is Tuesday, he still skipped school and came to Santo Domingo to watch the game.

The black-haired and yellow-skinned figure on the court caught his attention from the moment he appeared on the court.

Chinese? West Division C team?

When Lindy stole the ball from Guti twice in a row, he was stunned.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and posted what he saw in the post bar.

There was also an eye-catching title: Chinese midfielder, one-on-one defense against Guti!

[Owner, you are too humorous. Do Chinese people only want to protect Guti from violence? Ah hahahaha. ]

[The person upstairs is too naive, paying back Real Madrid and Guti, thinking too much. ]

[Science fiction movie? You are such an old cow entering an air-conditioned room, bragging! ]

In the post bar, most people think this is YY, after all, it is too fantasy.

Li Mu was very angry and turned on the camera, preparing to take another video to prove it.

The fans in the stands held their heads in their hands and expressed disbelief.

"Where did this Asian guy come from?"

"Did I read that correctly? Maldini left a tackle?"

"Is Guti sleepwalking?"

"Oh my God, this is impossible!"

But then, all the Alcor fans shouted excitedly: "woo!!! Alcor, attack!"

Ander's mouth on the sidelines is big enough to fit an egg into.

I saw him stroking his back with both hands, with a look of disbelief on his face, "Robbie, is this luck? Such a clean shovel?"

"Big, maybe?" Assistant coach Robbie watched Lindy train hard every day. He had never noticed that Lindy could do this.

Lindy made a beautiful tackle and stole the ball from Guti's feet, and never looked at him again.

I looked up at my teammates on the field. Most of them were still on the defensive line, just about to counterattack.

But Borja has already rushed into the opponent's half. Although the accuracy of his long pass is not high, there are only three people in Real Madrid's half, Borja, Olbiol and Metzelder.

Lindy swung his thigh back and slapped the football's bottom hard with the instep of his foot.

The football took off straight away, crossing the midfield and past Real Madrid's center backs Albiol and Metzelder.

There is no precision or curvature at all, more like a casual kick to clear the ball.

The Real Madrid generals also paced back carelessly.

At this time, two figures were chasing the football at the same time.

That's Diarra and Borja!

After reacting, center backs Olbiol and Metzelder also hurriedly turned around and ran towards the landing point of the football.

Borja, who finally received the football on the edge of the penalty area on the right, looked at Diarra and the defenders who were already in place to defend.

He stepped out with his right foot, trying to break through from the right, but his left foot moved the ball lightly laterally, making a cut inside, leaving Diarra behind.

Diarra was shaken for a moment, and when he reacted again, he chased sideways, but bumped into his companion.

Seizing the opportunity, Borja tried hard to hit the football with his left foot and hit a close corner, causing his body to lose balance.

Under everyone's gaze, the ball passed Dudek's fingers and rushed into the goal!

In the 16th minute of the game, a scene that everyone couldn't believe appeared. Alcor, a little-known La Liga team, led one of La Liga's hegemons, Real Madrid, 1:0!

Everyone hugged and celebrated wildly, and Borja was even more crazy when he scored.

Off the field, Alcor coach Andra fell into a sluggish mood. He never dreamed that his team could break into Real Madrid's gate.

"goooo...ooooal~~" The commentators on the scene were going crazy. The home team actually scored a goal in the hands of the La Liga overlord. This was a goal that created team history.

The Alcor fans at the scene were also crazy. Most of them were relatives, friends and family members of the players on the field. And, of course, there are loyal fans nearby.

Everyone in Real Madrid looked blankly at their celebrating opponents, with their hands on their hips helplessly, He Tui~

Real Madrid head coach Pellegrini off the field wanted to observe the status of the substitutes in this game.

However, this sudden goal made him furious.

"Where did the Orientals come from? Also, is Diarra sleepwalking? Are everyone else eating shit?" He kicked the water bottle away from the field.

But he felt that it was not enough to relieve his anger, so he snatched the tactical board from the assistant coach's hand and threw it away angrily.

After celebrating, Lindy was jogging towards his own half without noticing the "hidden weapon" behind him.

"Be careful! Lin!" Borja on the side saw the unknown flying object and hurriedly dodged, not forgetting to remind Lindy.

Hearing the shouts from behind, Lindy turned his head instinctively. Before he could see clearly, a black shadow flashed past, and there was already a heavy feeling in the brow bone, as if he had been hit by something heavy.

Then, he noticed that everyone was looking at him with fear in their eyes.

There seemed to be some warm liquid flowing down his face, and his vision became scarlet.

The left hand touches half of the cheek, just touching the brow bone.

A feeling of pain came instantly. When I stretched out my hand and looked down, I saw that it was bleeding.

Lindy didn't think much, pulled up her shirt and wiped it off her forehead.

I didn't want to, because the jersey was stained with sweat and irritated the wound.


Blood soaked half of his face, dripping down his cheeks, staining his yellow jersey red.

He looked at Pellegrini with an angry look, as if he wanted to rush forward and hit someone.

Our players came over one after another and gathered around Real Madrid to ask for an explanation. What is this? To hurt someone maliciously?

The referee rushed over immediately and issued the red God of War card to Pellegrini.

Whether there will be accountability after the game depends on the attitude of the Spanish Football Association.

The audience in the stands also looked at Lindy worriedly. After all, there were very few bloodsheds on the court, and the safety of the players was always the first priority. (Come on Cupid!)

Subsequently, under the guidance of the team doctor, Lindy came to the field to receive treatment.

"The bleeding can't stop. It looks like I need stitches! I need an anesthetic! Get ready to make a substitution!" the team doctor looked at head coach Andra.

Andela looked hesitant and replaced his only defensive midfielder in just 16 minutes, which would ruin his tactical arrangements.

Before Andra could hesitate, Lindy suddenly said, "No anesthesia is needed, please stitch up my wound as soon as possible!"

After the previous episode, the game on the field has restarted.

Real Madrid's commentator was still explaining the team's mistake and conceding the ball just now, and criticized the Asian man who broke Guti's football twice for his brutal foul.

However, when the camera returned to Lindy, he was also shocked, "Oh my God, what did I see? That Eastern [barbarian] (Bárbaro agreed with Rude and Brutal), actually sutured his wounds on the sidelines? "

This game was broadcast by only a few TV stations. After all, it was an insignificant cup match. If it hadn't been for Real Madrid, it might not have been broadcast.

At this time, the TV camera just cut to Lindy. Since he was stitching on the sidelines, the camera was almost close to his face.

People can clearly see the suture needle going back and forth near Lindy's brow bone.

Lindy's expression did not change at all, and he watched the situation on the court intently.

Because of the need to continue playing the game, the sutures that could have been completed with three stitches were replaced by six stitches, just to prevent the wound from opening and continuing to bleed.

The head coach Andra on the side looked at Lindy with extremely complicated eyes.

The people in front of the TV stared blankly at the broadcast. This oriental man completely subverted their understanding.

Except for Bruce and Jack, they have never seen such a hard oriental man.

The eastern [barbarians] mentioned by the narrator really spoke to their hearts.