5:reality? Hallucination?

The whole place was silent. After a moment, someone stood up and applauded.

Afterwards, figures stood up one by one and the audience applauded. They seemed to be moved by this unyielding spirit.

In other words, it shows respect for players who possess such an unyielding soul.

That flying figure is like a military commander from an ancient Eastern country who traveled thousands of miles alone.

He flew across half of the stadium and blocked the god's blow with his mortal body.

Even Real Madrid fans have to admit that Lindy deserves their applause.

Andra looked at the crazy figure and seemed to be talking to himself, "It seems that it's time to prepare a contract. I hope the Oriental's restraint will make him not dislike it."

At this time, the Real Madrid commentator's throat seemed to be stuck with something, "emmmm..." followed by a long snort.

"It can be seen that the Oriental has very good speed. Real Madrid missed a good opportunity." After a long while, the Real Madrid commentator suppressed these words.

On the stands, there was a man wearing sunglasses. When he stood up to applaud, he did not forget to remember the name of this Oriental: di lin.

"Hey, old friend, help me investigate this person. But it's a bit tricky. Alcor, the Spanish third-division team in Madrid, has an Oriental named Di Lin. Don't worry, the money will be yours." After sitting down, the man said The call was made.

The video of the Savior turning around happened to be captured by Li Mu, who was always ready.

He then continued to update his post and set it to be pinned.

"Isn't this a fool? Hahahaha." A bar friend who hadn't finished watching the video couldn't wait to show off his IQ with the ID name: Fu Huan.

"This is actually a Chinese? He is really a heifer learning to stand on his head. He is so awesome! The man upstairs should find a job in a factory as soon as possible."

"My Real Madrid is actually behind 0:1? Is the poster from P Picture Company?"

"But I am uneducated, so I can get around the world with just 'f*ck'."

"Holy crap, isn't this my brother Sun?"

"Why is such an awesome player not in the national team?"

"The guy upstairs should delete his post quickly, and don't let such an awesome player come back."

Everyone in Real Madrid was stunned. The goal that must be scored was actually blocked by that figure.

When Raul heard the exclamation, he turned around and looked at the young man lying on the ground. He could only shake his head and sighed: "What a crazy Oriental."

Real Madrid coach Pellegrini cursed in the stands: "Wang Defa! Who can tell why? Why is it this Oriental again?"

As the head coach of Real Madrid, if he really loses to such a team, it will be a stain on his career.

Lindy's teammates had already gathered around at this time.

They all patted Lindy on the head and said, "Great job, Lin!"

"Lin, I really belong to you!"

Regardless of whether the normal relationship is good or bad, on the court, everyone respects the strong.

What's more, Lindy's spirit made them all feel a little ashamed.

In this scene just now, everyone had given up on returning to defense, but he was sprinting alone.

He used his body to help the team save a point, and now they are still the leading side!

Lindy felt his body, stood up before the team doctor ran over, and signaled that he was fine.

"I'm fine, ready to fight back!"

When the teammates heard Lindy's words, they nodded unconsciously, "We have to fight back!"

No one noticed that after Lindy continuously stole Guti, assisted Borja to score, had stitches on the sidelines, and saved the ball alone.

As if by default, everyone had a vague feeling that Lindy was the leader.

When you do something that others can't do, you will get the respect you deserve.

Lindy's idea is also very simple. There are still 4 minutes left in the experience card countdown, and he must score within these 4 minutes.

He wants to win, he wants to defeat Real Madrid's heart in advance, and he wants to use his outstanding performance to tell the world: Who said I have no one in Chinese football!

Even if it's just a flash in the pan, that's fine!

The dejected expressions of everyone in Real Madrid fell into Lindy's eyes.

During the clearance just now, Lindy kicked the ball out of the right sideline.

Guti threw the throw-in to Benzema, trying to cooperate with him.

But Benzema is not in good condition today. All he can think about is competing with Ronaldo, Kaká and Higuain for the starting position.

In today's game against La Liga C, except for Kaka and Alonso, neither Kaká nor Alonso came with the team, and Cristiano Ronaldo even watched his jokes on the bench.

Shouldn't he accept a rotation and rest to reserve physical fitness for the league and European competition?

Full of complaints, he didn't even notice that there was a wall waiting for him behind him.

Benzema immediately turned around after catching the ball, but he hit the "wall" head-on. He stumbled to the ground and lost the ball.

While he was dazed, 'the wall' moved, stepped over his body, and drove away with the ball, leaving only his back.

Lindy took advantage of Benzema's absence and decisively stretched out his foot to intercept the ball.

He was not in a hurry to play the ball. Now he was in good condition. While dribbling the ball forward, he began to observe the position of his teammates.

Although his teammates were in average positions, Drenthe seemed to be taking a walk and Ernesto was desperately rushing forward.


Lindy swung his thigh hard and hit the bottom of the football with the outside instep, kicking out an arc.

The football was like a precision-guided Tomahawk missile, passing over everyone's heads and over Drenthe's head.

Before Drenthe could react, a dark shadow beside him had already surpassed him and ran towards the football.

By the time Drenthe started, Ernesto was already at least 3 positions ahead of him.

It accurately landed at the feet of the running Ernesto. The latter gently touched the outside of his instep, and the football rolled forward obediently against his instep.

At this time, there was no one in front of Ernesto. If he rushed into the penalty area like this, it would be a one-man attack.

Central defender Metzelder could only give up on Diego and quickly rush over to cover the defense.

And Lindy, at this time, had already stepped forward and was running towards the penalty area.

Seeing that the defender on the opposite side was about to make up the defense, I looked at the position of my teammates and found that they were not ideal.

Ernesto only hesitated for a second before raising his foot and shooting.

But it was still slow. Metzelder made up for it in time and intercepted the ball with a flying interception. However, the football did not fly far, but fell directly to Lindy's feet.

Without any hesitation, Lindy passed the ball directly to Ernesto again and rushed into the penalty area.

The two played a one-two match. Metzelder, who was lying on the ground at this time, had no time to get up and could only watch Lindy rush into the penalty area alone, forming a one-on-one shot.

"Bang!" The sound caused by hitting the football with his right foot spread throughout the field.

The football was like an arrow leaving the string, blasting towards the right side of the goal with a blast from close range!

Goalkeeper Dudek struggled to pounce, but the distance was too close and the ball was too fast.

The football grazed his fingers, rushed into the goal, and spun hard on the net for 2 seconds.

"Goooooooooooooal!!" The commentators and Alcor fans went crazy.

"DI~~~~~~~LIN~~~~~~~~~!" The Chinese name rang out for the first time.

Countless jerseys, popcorn, and hats flew into the sky.

Real Madrid's commentator watched the goal with ten thousand beasts running in his heart. He was scored two goals in a row by the Spanish third team, one of which was scored by the barbarian from the East. It was simply a shame.

"Who is Alcor? Player No. 32 scored a goal. At 32 minutes of game time, Real Madrid fell behind 0:2." It seemed that any more words would be extremely embarrassing.

After scoring the goal, Lindy rushed to the stands of Alcor fans, clenched his fists and waved vigorously.

Those fans who had ridiculed Lindy in the stands were speechless at this time and could only cover up their embarrassment with applause.

"F*ck!" Li Mu, who was squeezed in the crowd and took pictures of this scene, could no longer describe it in normal words.

Continue to upload in Tieba, [Chinese guards with swords break through the gate of Real Madrid! ]

Lindy on the court could never have imagined that this game, which would determine his future destiny, would cause an uproar in the country...