
"Ding, the system evaluation has been completed. Congratulations to the host for completing the task. Based on the host's completion level, the rating will be: S+, reward attribute points: 40, and reward random skill draw: once." The long-lost system voice sounded again.

"The host novice task has been completed, and the system has begun to upgrade. 1%, 2%...100%, the system has been upgraded to version 1.1, and the task reward and punishment mechanism has been activated."

"As the first step to enter the five major leagues, the host is asked to join a professional club within ten days and complete the reward: 20 attribute points and open the skill level system. Mission failed: the system will find another master and deduct all additional attribute points and skills. The host pays homage to you."

Before Lindy could get over the joy of receiving the reward, he heard that the system was automatically upgraded.

Moreover, the next task is to sign a contract with a professional club within ten days.

In other words, if you choose to sign a contract with Alcor, your mission will be considered a failure.

Because Alcor is a semi-professional club, not a professional one.

That means that you have to sign with at least a second-division club to complete the task.

Moreover, if it cannot be completed, the system will actually run away, which is simply outrageous. Forget it, the door will not open.

Or should I add the points first, what if the opportunity comes?

In the game against Real Madrid, he obviously felt that there was something wrong with his stopping.

Except for the low ball and the foul ball at close range, the other first kicks are all very national football...

Also, when facing those masters, I didn't concentrate enough. The first time I was instantly shaken away by Ronaldo was an example.

In the final stage of the game, although it had entered garbage time, both sides were unable to play anymore.

But he felt that his physical fitness had reached its limit, and he also needed to make up for his header.

Although there are many other attributes that need to be improved, Lindy's own perceived shortcomings must be the priority.

Therefore, the 40 points awarded by the system are distributed: stopping the ball +13, concentration +10, endurance +12, and heading +5.

After adding, stopping the ball: 70, concentration: 65, endurance: 80, heading: 62; (I won't expand here, otherwise it will be 200 words)

The overall rating reached 60 points, and the defensive end rating reached 69 points;

Just as he was about to extract the skills rewarded by the system, his phone rang.

This was very strange to him. During these two years in Spain, he had almost no friends.

Borja, who had the best relationship with him, basically stopped contacting him after inviting him out for drinks several times but being rejected.

After answering the phone, a strange voice came from the other side, "Hello, Mr. Lindy, I take the liberty of disturbing you so late. I am Rafael Juanis, a scout from Atletico Madrid Club. You can call me Rafael Juanis." Phil."

"Bang, bang, bang!" Lindy's head suddenly went blank. He didn't hear the scout or Rafael's name.

When he heard the words Atletico Madrid, the only thing left in his world was his own heartbeat.

Even if he lives in two lifetimes, a first-level club in any of the five major leagues is an unattainable dream for him.

Not to mention Atletico Madrid, which is already in the upper mid-range.

"Mr. Lindy, are you listening?" the voice on the other end of the phone came again.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling it slowly, he calmed down his mood and said, "Hello, sir, I'm listening."

"I hope I made this call in time. You haven't renewed your contract with Alcor Club yet, right?"

"Yes, not yet." Lindy's heartbeat began to speed up, could it be?

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to let out a sigh of relief, "Great. On behalf of Atletico Madrid, I would like to invite you to join as a free agent and come to the club for a trial training on November 6."

"Okay, sir, I will be there on time on November 6th." Lindy suppressed her excitement and answered quickly.

"Call me when you arrive. I'll be waiting for you at the training base Calderon, Majadahonda at three in the afternoon. Goodbye, Lindy."

"I'll be there on time, bye."

Lindy put down the phone and made a fist with his right hand: "Cao!" This is a La Liga team!

Before he could get over his excitement, another phone rang.


Who is this?

Although he was a little confused, he still had some small expectations in his heart. Maybe it was another invitation call?

"Hello, are you Mr. Lindy? I am Esteban Vigo, the head coach of the Spanish Hercules Club."

Really, whatever comes to mind, Lindy suppressed the excitement in her heart.

Calls from La Liga teams have come, and it's normal for a second-division club to make an invitation.

He tried to sound as calm as possible, "Hello, Mr. Vigo, I'm glad to receive your call."

Esteban Vigo did not expect that there was no excitement in Lindy's tone, but very standard polite words.

"Well, haha, on behalf of the Hercules Club, I formally extend an invitation to you. I hope you can join the Hercules Club. If it is convenient, we can discuss the specific details in person."

It was actually a formal invitation. Only then did Lindy realize that the excitement just now was a bit too early and was different from the formal invitation from the Spanish Hercules Club.

There is a huge difference in the trial provided by Atletico Madrid instead of a formal invitation to join.

If he fails to pass the final trial of the week, then he is at great risk of missing out on other clubs.

Are you saying that you want to join this Spanish second division team?

But no matter what, I can't refuse him now.

"It's an honor to be appreciated by you, but I need to deal with matters with Alcor Club in the past two days. Please understand. Maybe we can meet in four days?"

Esteban Vigo glanced at the assistant next to him. It seemed that other teams must have taken the lead.

But it doesn't matter, he is confident enough. This season, Hercules Club ranks among the top three in La Liga and has great hope of breaking into La Liga.

Except for those teams that have qualified for the Europa League and Champions League, he is not worthy at all. Who can refuse the position of the starting lineup?

"I understand, I completely understand, so be it, I think we can meet on November 2."

"No problem, we'll see you that day, Mr. Esteban Vigo."

After hanging up the phone, Lindy fell into a dilemma.

He didn't choose the phobia, but right now, it was really stumping him.

One is a trial training in La Liga, and the other is an invitation to join La Liga.

One outcome is unknown and one outcome is clear.

But it just so happened that he was not allowed to ride on a donkey to find a horse.

Here comes the problem...