13:The reporter is here

The turmoil outside did not affect Lindy at all.

After training, he felt extremely comfortable and even gave Borja a warm hug at the party.

Of course, the latter couldn't hide and could only introduce him in front of the hot girls, "This is the LIN I'm talking about. Yes, he's a little strange. Let's continue drinking and ignore him."

After washing up and preparing to rest, Lindy looked at the results of these two hours, which made him a little incredible.

Flexibility and speed have been improved a bit respectively.

Calculated this way, by the time of the trial day, Lindy's strength can definitely match the minimum requirements of La Liga.

At 6 o'clock the next morning, the body's biological clock woke Lindy up again.

This is a habit that has been developed over a long period of time. Most successful people are self-disciplined.

In his previous life, he was also a member of the self-disciplined army. People who have money and connections are not guaranteed to be able to play in the Chinese Super League.

He didn't feel very tired. The two-hour training in the early morning was more about letting him get rid of those distractions.

Some people would say that if you are so awesome, you can show off.

Have you ever seen Madrid at two in the morning?

50% of people will ask you, have you ever seen Madrid at 3 o'clock in the morning?

Yes, the Spaniard is not worthy of that great basketball star at this point.

But if you ask them, have they ever seen Madrid at 6 o'clock in the morning?

That's how outrageous his mother opens the door to outrageous things. It's so outrageous.

After Lindy had breakfast of cheese, ham, low-fat yogurt, fruit and toast.

I came to the training ground again. I have rested for 4 hours today and still have 3 hours of rest time.

The remaining time should be used to allocate various trainings.

It's just that he has no one to accompany him to do ball training such as stealing and passing, so he doesn't need to do special training such as shooting for the time being.

Therefore, when he re-activated the training acceleration mode, a green running route appeared in front of him again.

It's just that there have been some changes in time.

From 2.1 seconds early this morning, it became 2.05 seconds.

It seems that the system is constantly making training adjustments based on changes in Lindy's physical fitness.

As for why it takes so much time to travel just ten meters.

One is because from start to acceleration, even Bolt takes 1.8 seconds to run 10 meters. Of course, my brother Su can run faster in 1.67 seconds.

On the other hand, the core purpose of this training is to train Lindy's disguise, reaction speed, flexibility, and acceleration, so the speed requirements are not that high.

One morning passed, and the disadvantages of 1.5 times the physical exertion began to gradually become apparent.

Lindy, covered in sweat, was panting heavily on the edge of the street court. Five hours of training had consumed a lot of his energy.

However, there are also many gains, leaving aside the improvement of physical fitness.

There is an experience slot behind the [Leap of Faith] skill, 3000/3000;

In the acceleration training, there are a lot of waist and abdominal strength exercises and jumping exercises, which can add experience to [Leap of Faith], which is really unexpected.

what does that mean? Future skill acquisition requires training and upgrading.

Lindy returned to the residence with Borja and found that the boy hadn't gotten up yet.

It seems that I really had a hard time last night.

When he came out of the room in the morning, he could already see wine bottles and all kinds of garbage on the floor.

The sofa and every room were all extremely messy.

And there were disheveled men and women sleeping on the floor, in the hallways, everywhere.

Anyway, by the time he came back at noon, most of them were gone.

When he knocked on Borja's door, he wanted to ask if he wanted to go out for lunch.

After all, it was Borja who took him in when he had nowhere to go.

But as soon as he knocked twice, the door opened naturally.

The scene in front of him made his brain wake up instantly.

"F*ck!" But he didn't shout out and quietly closed the door slowly.

Borja was not the only one inside, as scattered clothes were everywhere.

The bed, sofa, and floor were even more crowded, which was too crazy for Lindy.

One hundred thousand words are omitted here, thank you...

No wonder Borja often yawned when training on the third day after the game.

For this reason, head coach Ander was quite angry.

As if feeling someone opening the door, Borja rubbed his head and slowly opened his eyes.

"Wow, Damate, it seems I drank too much yesterday." He stood up and put on his pants, wanting to go to the kitchen and get a glass of water.

As soon as he went out, he saw Lindy sweating profusely, "Snow, LIN, did you go to exercise early in the morning?"

"What I call training, what you call exercise." Lindy replied helplessly, "To thank you for arranging your accommodation, how about I treat you to dinner at noon?"

"It's better if I treat you. I know there's a Chinese restaurant, it's great. You go take a shower and wait for me." Borja was particularly generous.

But what does it mean to take a shower and wait for him?

As soon as Lindy took off his shirt, the bell rang outside the door.

He didn't think much and just opened the door shirtless.

In Madrid at the end of October, it already feels like winter.

On such a noon, Qin Luoyun spent a lot of thought and finally found Lindy's residence.

When she knocked on the door, she never expected such a scene.

The man in front of him had wheat-colored skin, was shirtless and was steaming slightly.

Her chest had clear ridges and full lines, and even she felt it was better than her own.

Then there are eight sharp-edged bulges. Each muscle seems to be carved and beautiful, and full of hormones rush towards the face.

At 167cm tall, she prides herself on being short, but she still needs to look up to see the man's face.

A standard Chinese face, with sharp features and firm eyes.

Different from those handsome little guys in China, they have a masculine feel.

There is still a scar on the brow bone that has not been stitched out. It is him, Lindy!

The woman with an obviously oriental face in front of him looked him up and down.

Lindy was a little confused, "Hello, are you looking for Borja? I'll call him!"

When Lindy spoke, Qin Luoyun reacted and quickly covered his face with his hands.

"Well, I'm here to see you. I'm a reporter from Marca. Can you put on your clothes first?" She glanced secretly as she spoke.

Beauty is delicious, and sometimes it's the same for women.

Qin Luoyun's cheeks were already blushing, "Calm down, calm down, the little man in front of you is only 20 years old! Qin Luoyun, you must calm down. Take one more look at most!"

She couldn't help but swallow when she saw Lindy turning around to look for clothes. She had a broad and thick back and a cartoon-like inverted triangle.

"That's great. What are those pot-bellied people in the newspaper office doing?"

She seemed to have completely forgotten the purpose of her trip...