28:This is a science fiction movie

The next day's Spanish newspaper Sport published an exclusive interview with Lindy.

As a recent hot news figure, a newcomer to La Liga, and a Chinese, Lindy's attention is still relatively high.

Although it was not as expensive as Luoyang paper, the title of Spanish Sports News did attract many people to buy it, and the sales volume skyrocketed for a while.

Qin Luoyun was greatly appreciated for this, but when she accepted public praise from her superiors, her eyes never left the figure in the newspaper for a moment.


Coupled with the photo of Lindy shirtless training under the moonlight, it is extremely eye-catching.

People's attention was also divided into two parts. Fans lamented Lindy's self-discipline and dedication.

The women all admired the magnificent muscles.

In just half a day, half of Spain was sharing this photo like crazy.

It is said that a modeling company is already looking for Lindy to sign a contract.

At this time, there was endless debate in China because of the reports sent back by Li Xinyue.

It turned out that Li Xinyue changed her original intention last night, and after watching quietly for a long time, she silently wrote down Qin Luoyun's words.

What was sent back to China was only one sentence and one photo: Night in Madrid and Lindy.

One can imagine how shocked the leaders of the sports channel were by the photo that made those who saw it cry and those who heard it sad.

If this report were published, what would be the reaction?

In the end, the boss personally made the decision and sent it. What is there to be afraid of?

At the same time, Li Xinyue is allowed to publish on Weibo and Tieba by herself.

As soon as the news came out, the fandom exploded.

[Quick, all the soldiers of the Aite National Football Team are watching a science fiction movie! ]

[National Football Team: Don't believe rumors, don't spread rumors, and beware of scams! ]

[It turns out that behind success is hard work day by day. Come on, gold will always shine. ]

[Yes, gold will always shine, what I said is right! ]

[The words upstairs sound weird. ]

After the superiors of the national football team read the newspaper, they silently remembered Lindy and the female reporter without saying a word.

The rest are HE~TUI~

After Li Xinyue "operated" on her own, she was hired by the Sports Channel as a correspondent in Spain and based in Madrid.

Another day was spent in Lindy's crazy training, and Atletico Madrid fans gradually learned where Lindy lived.

But they didn't bother them, at least when they passed by.

If you're lucky, you'll see Lindy training and you'll be able to take a few photos and go back to drool over him.

On November 10th, a major event in football happened.

German national team goalkeeper Robert Enke committed suicide.

The football community paid tribute.

On the same day, the second round of the fourth round of the Copa del Rey was played.

Atletico Madrid easily won 2:0. As a result, they will face Barcelona in the fifth round of the Copa del Rey on January 6!

However, Alcor, who lost his coaches Ander and Lindy, was blasted with 6 goals by Real Madrid who were in a revenge mood at home.

The final total score was 6:4, and Real Madrid reversed and advanced. Although it is ridiculous to use the word reversal, it is true.

And due to the Spanish national team's 2010 World Cup training camp on November 16, the next round of La Liga has been moved to December 16.

The next match against Osasuna will be on November 21st.

Flores, who was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, began his transformation at Atletico Madrid.

At present, the forward line is relatively fixed. Forlan and Aguero are unable to play as the main players. The only substitute is the 19-year-old Ibrahimovic.

Such a forward line is not enough to deal with La Liga, let alone a third-line battle.

In the Copa del Rey match against a weak team, it was obvious that Forlan's physical strength was seriously insufficient due to his 31-year-old age.

Therefore, Flores is planning to consider a 451 tactic with a single forward before the winter break, allowing the three forwards to rotate.

In terms of midfield attackers, they are also stretched. Simao, Reyes, Jurado, Salvio, and Garcia. Once they encounter injuries, it will be difficult for attackers to rotate.

On the defensive midfielder side, only newcomers Lindy and Paul Assuncao can guarantee rotation.

There are a full 9 defenders on the defender side. Even if someone is unfortunately injured, it is still enough.

Looking at it this way, the forward line can only barely maintain it, and we have to balance the playing time of Aguero and Forlan.

There are only 7 people in the midfield, but there are 5 positions, which is very tight. There must be someone with excellent physical fitness to ensure the rotation of the midfielder.

Moreover, Aguero's effect as a shadow striker is also good.

In this case, you can switch back and forth between 442 and 451.

On the table in front of him, there was a newspaper, which was Lindy's photo. The big words "HE WAS FIGHTING WITH SHADOW" made people look at him.

Thinking of the figure I saw when I walked past the gym when I woke up in the morning.

Flores already has an idea in mind, and everything is waiting for the game on the 21st.

And Lindy, who was finally able to train with the team, paid more attention to his passing in addition to regular training.

As a professional player, he is keenly aware that Atletico Madrid's midfielder bench depth is really insufficient.

As a midfield sweeper, his future growth is also limited.

Therefore, he learned to allow himself to play a greater role on the offensive end.

To this end, he specifically approached Juan Sebas of the coaching staff and expressed his desire to conduct some technical training.

Due to the national team's training these days, the coaching staff responsible for various trainings are relatively idle.

Seeing Lindy's request, Juan specifically asked Flores.

When he heard that Lindy took the initiative to train his passing skills, Flores had to lament that this Chinese was too curly.

But at the same time, he is looking forward to it, hoping that Lindy can become the team's catfish and make the entire team full of energy.

Is involution bad? Sometimes it's good!

In these 10 days, due to lack of personnel, we basically only conducted basic training for half a day, and then let everyone go back to rest.

Only Lindy would choose to stay and practice more.

After all, in the club, there are enough training equipment, and more importantly, there are no onlookers taking pictures of you.

It made other players complain privately that this Chinese man really brought the volume from the East to the West.

Flores expressed his strong support for this, "If these young men can be like Lindy, then the goal of this season can be towards the league championship!"

Ten days passed by in a flash, and the conditions of all the upper reaches teams were not very good.

After all, their main players have just gone through the training camp of the national team, and it will take some time for their physical fitness to recover.

Atletico Madrid has also recruited 8 people. The fatigue of the journey and the hard work of training and games make them all in urgent need of rest.

The roster for the next day was announced:

Goalkeepers: Asenho, De Gea

Defenders: Valera, Lopez, Ibáñez, Dominguez, Cabrera, Juanito

Midfielder: Paulo Assuncao, Salvio, Lindy, Simao, Garcia, Jurado

Forwards: Forlan, Aguero, Ibrahimovic

Thiago and Ujfalusi are injured and will not be able to play at least until the winter break.

Looking at the tired team, Frelos is ready to ask the club for a sum of money to replenish his staff during the winter break.

Osasuna's situation is much better. There is only one national player in the team and he is in good condition.

Without the European competition, they have played 12 games in the league this season and currently have 17 points.

Ranking seventh in the league, this is their best result in recent years.

Atletico Madrid currently has 16 points. After all, it has only participated in 10 rounds in the league and is currently ranked eighth in the league.

This is a matchup between League 7 and League 8. Due to the addition of Lindy as a topical figure, ticket sales for the game also exceeded expectations.

With more than 54,000 tickets sold, the club president is full of expectations for this game.

You know, the entire Calderon Stadium only has 54,851 seats, which can be said to be basically full.

Fans seem to have gotten over the big defeat in the Champions League and the Madrid derby loss.

They look forward to the team performing well in the Champions League, league and cup competitions.

The way to support is also very simple, that is to go to the home court to cheer for the team!