
In Osasuna's penalty area, the doctors of both teams were surrounding the players and actively treating them.

But it is obvious that Jose Teso and Aspiasqueta must be injured and need to be treated off the field.

On the surface, Jose Teso may be more serious, and may have a fractured calf bone.

Lindy was a little confused when he saw this. This was not his original intention.

It's too much to kick someone's leg off because of a small conflict.

But then I thought about it, if the other party didn't have this idea, how could the legs of both parties hit each other?

The team doctor touched Lindy's calf bone and asked with concern, "How do you feel? Does it hurt here?"

Captain Lopez also ran over from the backcourt. Seeing that Jose Teso had been carried on a stretcher, he was anxious and asked, "Lin, are you okay?"

The rest of his teammates also gathered around.

Seeing everyone like this, Lindy felt a little bit stuck, with all the eyes and cameras.

The two people on the other side were already injured. If I stood up like this, what would others think?

This is due to Lindy's original character. Lindy, who has a strong body and acceptable strength, has been unable to become the main force in Alcor.

The reason is that he is too introverted, not good at communicating with others, and not good at expressing himself.

He is relatively modest when it comes to things. When people ask him if he is okay, he always replies: Is it okay?

In his previous life, Lindy was also a hard-working player.

However, his character is indeed outgoing and unwilling to admit defeat. He is eager to perform and to perform on the world stage.

But the failure of two active "operations" left him disheartened.

Now, Lindy put that ridiculous idea behind her, why pretend?

Why should I worry about what other people think?

Do I have to bear the responsibility if they get hurt given a fair chance?

Is there a white lotus blooming on my head?

Do I pretend to be injured so I don't have to take the blame?

If we talk about the first half, it was about standing up for our teammates.

So now, it's time to stand up for yourself.

In this "dark jungle", if you show a little weakness, you will attract a pack of wolves.

In the end, there will be no bones left!

Next year, several seniors will also come to the five major leagues, and they want to play a role for the Chinese in Europa.

The domestic attitude of being humble, being kind to others, and being tolerant in everything will not work in Europe.

Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty once said: Yi Di are afraid of power but not moral!

Thinking of this, Lindy shook his head at the team doctor and said, "I'm fine. I had a little pain just now, but now I'm completely fine."

As he spoke, he stood up in front of everyone's surprised eyes, and stamped his right foot vigorously to show that he was completely fine.

In order to convince the team doctor, he even jumped twice.

Jurado watched Lindy jumping around like a monster. He was right next to him just now and saw it clearly.

Lindy's legs collided hard with theirs, and the three of them couldn't hold back at all.

However, Jose Teso and Aspiasqueta were both seriously injured, and Osasuna's team doctor clearly said they were fractures.

But is there anything wrong with Lindy? ? ?

It was unbelievable. He patted Simang on the shoulder and said, "Lin Ke is really a monster. Fortunately, this guy is our teammate."

Simang was also stunned for a moment, "Isn't this guy too scary? One person kicked two legs off?"

However, they are still very happy about it, they are teammates after all.

For a time, Atletico Madrid's morale was high!

The fans in the audience cheered loudly when they saw this. They were worried just now whether Lindy would end up injured like the two Osasuna players.

"Well done! Huaxia Lin!"

"Wow! That's great!"

"Good job, Lin! Knock them out!"

Old Liu from the studio also let out a sigh of relief, "We can see that Lindy has stood up! He is not injured. Thank God, his body is really strong."

"Ah, Osasuna is ready to make substitutions. It seems that Jose Teso and Aspiagueta are both seriously injured, and Camacho is in a lot of trouble. Behind 0:2, two main players were injured and came off the field. The next game will be very difficult for Osasuna."

The audience in front of the TV was also amazed, and each one shouted excitedly:

"Damn it! You're so awesome. You beat two people. What's wrong with you?"

"Break off, cut off your children and grandchildren?"

"What are you talking about upstairs? This is to help them see a doctor. Osteoporosis needs early treatment and early treatment!"

"Lindy's legs have definitely been trained, believe me. After decades of living, I can tell whether this circuit has electricity or not by just touching it."

Originally, everyone in Osasuna thought that Lindy would also be taken off the field due to injury.

But they saw Lindy standing up as if nothing was wrong, and what was even more outrageous was that he jumped a few times.

A nameless anger surged into his heart, but then disappeared without a trace.

The three of them collided, but no one used dangerous moves.

Everyone went for the ball. As a result, two teammates were off the field, but the opponent was full of energy.

This made them feel a little scared. What if they did the same thing?

In fact, sometimes professional players are not afraid of losing, but more afraid of getting injured, which will lead to career reimbursement.

There are countless precedents.

Of course, the most dedicated people have nothing to fear, they only have victory in their eyes!

The way they looked at Lindy changed, from anger to fear.

Lindy also discovered this. When he looked at someone across from him, that person would avoid his eyes unconsciously.

It turns out that this is really the case, as long as you are strong enough.

Then I can gain enough respect. Taizong will not deceive me.

The Osasuna players looked at Lindy as if they had seen the [Whip of God] that once swept Europe, full of fear!

The next game completely lost its suspense.

Although Camacho was anxious off the court and kept roaring, he could not change the situation on the court at all.

Osasuna has completely lost confidence in this game.

He was forced from a high position first, which made him angry.

Then one time, he didn't take advantage of the conflict, but instead completely angered the other party.

As the score gradually fell behind, the head coach's tactics completely failed.

They simply don't know what to do.

The last straw for them was the injury of Jose Teso and Azpiakueta.

At this point, the whole team's morale was completely gone, and every minute on the court was suffering.

Coupled with the fact that Calderon is the famous devil's home stadium, every day is like a year.

63rd minute.

Facing a demoralized Osasuna, Atletico Madrid took a free kick in the frontcourt and Lindy scored with a header.

The score becomes 3:0.

The fans in the audience became even more excited, as if they were watching an encirclement and annihilation battle.

Makes people enjoy themselves.

77th minute.

Lindy finally completed 5/5 interception tasks.

91st minute.

After raising the sign indicating 5 minutes of injury time, everyone in Osasuna breathed a collective sigh of relief. It felt like the train was broadcasting: Stop at the end ahead. Passengers and friends are asked to pack their luggage and prepare to get off.

But just when they relaxed, Simao broke through two people on the edge of the penalty area, made a cross and then pushed to the far corner.

The ball grazed goalkeeper Roberto's fingers and flew into the net.

The score finally settled at 4:0.

Atletico Madrid scored all three points at their home court and scored 4 goals.

Of course, I also gained a heart for the future!

The Spanish media the next day gave Lindy the nickname "Whip of God" for this game.

From [Barbarians of the East] to [Whip of God], it took Lindy less than a month to make the entire Spanish football world recognize him again!