37:Excessive chapter

The two came to Lindy's residence.

I have to say that Qin Luoyun's driving skills are indeed good.

It only took three minutes to get from the club to Lindy's residence.

Driving a Porsche sports car, she knows how to drive.

It's fast in a straight line, but not too fast, and anyone with legs will step on the accelerator.

Fast corners are really fast, so Lindy held on to the seat belt all the way.

This crazy woman treats the 2 kilometers of road as a race track.

After getting out of the car, Lindy took a deep look at this beautiful woman and said, "The club has been here for three minutes. Are you crazy? It seems that I need to buy a car. I'd better drive more safely next time."

Qin Luoyun got out of the car with her slender legs. The beautiful lines outlined by the black stockings made Lindy tremble. "Okay, little brother, I hope your time can exceed 3 minutes."

Lindy's eyes rolled out of his head, "Don't call me bad brother, you are acting strangely like this. Also, don't deliberately use that royal voice. Can you speak normally?"

"Oh, are you going to reject me? Bad brother."

"You have two choices now. One, return to normal, go in and have a drink with me to celebrate. Two, you get in the car, I'll go home, and everyone is well." Lindy has lost patience with Qin Luoyun, you can be beautiful , you can also have means, but please don't treat me as that kind of younger brother who is not familiar with the world.

This body, according to the memory obtained by Lindy, belonged to the maternal SOLO, and he had no choice but to destroy it manually early on!

At this moment, he had a feeling that he was about to be tasted.

Human beings are creatures controlled by hormones, but they cannot live because of hormones.

So when Lindy's serious expression fell in Qin Luoyun's eyes.

This man is either extremely upright or crooked.

So no matter what kind, you won't suffer any loss if you go in by yourself.

"Ouke, Ouke, you win, look, this is the red wine I prepared for you." After saying that, Qin Luoyun took out a bottle of red wine and did not forget to make a seductive pose.

Although Qin Luoyun talks about driving very fast, she is an out-and-out virgin.

Although I fell in love once in college.

However, the day after she accepted her boyfriend's online confession, her roommate told her that the guy had three boats!

So far, Qin Luoyun has always stayed away from men who actively pursued him.

You must take the initiative to fight for your own man.

As for those words, there are skills and vocalization.

Her speaking skills and skills have been carefully cultivated by her best friends over the years, and she graduated with a journalism major.

Yu Jieyin? Whatever sound you want, she has it (*^▽^*)

The two finally sat down to have a drink together. Although Qin Luoyun was nagging the whole time when they last met, they spent most of the time discussing renting a house.

"Let's get to know each other again. I don't want you to just think of me as a reporter or a Chinese compatriot in Spain." She stretched out her slender hand gracefully.

"Qin Luoyun, 23 this year, 167cm tall, three-dimensional, you can see for yourself. By the way, I am from Hunan, my hometown. I usually like shopping, reading, eating, and of course, watching football games! Especially yours!"

Holding this soft little hand, there was a slight ripple in his heart, but he would not admit it, "Lindy, 20 years old, 183cm tall, likes to play football. Thank you very much for your righteous speech last time."

"Then how are you going to repay me?" Qin Luoyun chuckled, the trembling mountains were so charming.

Lindy was stunned. It turned out that this woman was really beautiful.

"not talking?"

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Are you still used to being alone in Spain?" Qin Luoyun suddenly changed the subject.

Lindy smiled bitterly: "In order to play football and survive, you have to get used to it even if you are not used to it."

"Is it hard?" She didn't expect that just a simple change of topic seemed to touch the man in front of her.

"Is it bitter? Is it bitter?" Lindy unconsciously reached out to pick up the wine glass and drank it slowly.

Qin Luoyun looked at the brave man in front of him on the field, but at this moment he seemed to feel an indescribable loneliness.

It seems that there are many stories about him, and it is more like the kind of feeling that a mature man would give people.

She gently stretched out her hand, wanting to comfort the man in front of her, but she felt it was inappropriate.

The outstretched hand froze in mid-air.

The words just now seemed to bring out the story deep in this man's heart. His eyes seemed to be telling stories, staring into the distance.

After a while, Lindy seemed to have recovered, and his eyes were full of energy again.

Qin Luoyun was actually fascinated by the sight. The charm of a man does not lie in his appearance or muscles and money, but in the maturity and confidence he exudes.

"Is there a story on my face?" Lindy turned around and faced the other person sideways.

But in Qin Luoyun's eyes, his eyebrows seemed to be telling the mystery of this man.

"Tell me about your past?" She became more and more curious about the man in front of her.

"The past?" Lindy smiled bitterly. Is this body's past or his own past?

Turning his head, Lindy looked into this woman's eyes.

Qin Luoyun also looked into Lindy's eyes, and the two looked at each other.

Eyes are the windows to the soul, if you can read someone, look into his/her eyes.

No words need to be said.

However, Qin Luoyun seemed to see the stars and the sea in Lindy's eyes, which made her dizzy and completely lost.

Unconsciously, Qin Luoyun stepped forward and hugged Lindy. She couldn't explain why she did this.

The latter's body stiffened, but the fragrance coming from his nose seemed to melt the ice in his heart.

This body's long-standing loneliness and loneliness, as well as all the suffering, seemed to slowly dissipate in this embrace.

Lindy was just reminiscing when he was suddenly pushed away. The beauty in front of him had blushing cheeks.

"This is comfort from compatriots." Qin Luoyun explained stubbornly.

But Lindy quickly held her in his arms again, not allowing the other party to resist.

Qin Luoyun leaned his face against Lindy's broad chest, "Now, can you tell me your story?"

"I..." Lindy told the story of her childhood, and then talked about her experience in Spain.

The two of them would raise glasses to each other and talk to each other from time to time.

Gradually, the two of them drank from the living room to the lawn in the backyard, cuddling with each other.

Like two seemingly strong souls, they have found their own support in a foreign country.

There is a canteen in the night sky, and the bright moon and stars are piled on the shelves.

There are two people on the ground, named Lindy and Qin Luoyun...

Lindy opened her eyes drowsily.

"Uh~" He just felt a terrible headache. The light dizziness and heaviness made him regret drinking so much yesterday.

His dry throat reminded him to rehydrate.

Lindy had to struggle to get up.

Suddenly, his right hand touched a touch of softness, making him startled.

As if thinking of something, Lindy swallowed her dry throat, slowly turned her head, then closed her eyes and raised her head.


He lifted the quilt again.

It seems that I drank too much yesterday.

I don't know if this woman can bear her body.

That's not right. Can you still move when you're drunk?

But looking at the scarlet color on the sheets, and the slight frown on the woman's sleeping face.

Lindy felt distressed.

"Women, you don't have to work so hard..."

Qin Luoyun, who has been studying and working abroad for a long time, dares to love and hate more than Lindy imagined.

At one point, he had the feeling of wanting to protect this woman from harm.

Deep down, he always thinks of himself as 33-year-old Lindy.

He leaned over slightly and kissed the woman's forehead gently.

Then, he picked up his pants that had fallen to the ground and planned to get a glass of water.

There was also a mess outside the room. Was it really so crazy last night? Probably not, because the pants are all in the room.

Shaking her head, Lindy began to prepare breakfast, her movements so skillful that it made people feel distressed.

Whether it is this life or the previous life, it seems to be destiny. Cooking and football skills, two unrelated skills, are engraved in his body.

However, cooking porridge with an induction cooker is really difficult to describe.

I took a look at the time, it was 8:30, and set the automatic porridge cooking mode.

Lindy plans to go for a run and go to the supermarket to do some shopping.

Lindy returned home and glanced upstairs where there was no movement.

He went to take a shower, and then continued to be busy in the kitchen.

two hours later

Qin Luoyun had woken up. She looked at her surroundings and felt the pain and slight discomfort coming from her body. It seemed that her riding skills had been upgraded last night.

I actually really fell into this little man's...

"It's over, it's over, I'm such a fool, how could I really do that?" Qin Luoyun closed his eyes in pain, feeling a little regretful.

Originally she just wanted to tease her younger brother, but unexpectedly, she was completely smitten by this man's charm.

It must have been a drinking mistake!

I only remembered that my best friend said that if you get a man, you should get him drunk. How could you get him drunk too?

However, she overestimated her and Lindy's drinking capacity. After two bottles of red wine, both of them were actually drunk.

Their progress is too fast, what should I do?

Suddenly, she seemed to smell a scent, and her stomach growled unsatisfactorily.

Qin Luoyun found a piece of Lindy's shirt and walked out of the room.

When she heard a female voice coming from the living room, she couldn't help but feel a little angry. She was still there, why were there other women?

She didn't even realize that, vaguely, she already regarded herself as the hostess here.

"Uh-huh!" She made a deliberate sound, as if to declare her sovereignty, smoothed her big waves and walked towards the living room.

At this time, all traces of the "battle" in the living room had been cleaned up by Lindy, who was neatly dressed and sat across from Li Xinyue.

Li Xinyue also dressed up carefully today. She wore a casual suit jacket with a deep V lining. The ravines were bottomless, making her look both capable and sexy.

The latter also placed a recording pen on the table, "Excuse me, do you have anything else to say to the domestic fans and friends..."

Before Li Xinyue could finish asking, he saw a woman walking out of the corridor wearing only a loose shirt, with almost her entire white legs exposed.

Li Xinyue was stunned, and her heart skipped a beat. Isn't this Qin Luoyun?

"Qin Luoyun! Why are you here? Why are you still wearing Lindy's clothes?" Li Xinyue was almost going crazy. She had not yet taken action against the man she liked.

Someone actually got there first?

For today's private interview, she specially sent Lao Wang away.

Is this the result?

Qin Luoyun was full of doubts, what was this woman doing here?

How can you go directly to a player's home to interview and dress like this?

Vixen, want to seduce my Lindy?

Thinking of this, she put on the face of a host and asked with a smile: "Lin, there are guests at home, why didn't you say anything?"

At home? Are they really together? It's only been a few days, woman, you're being cruel.

But I won't give up, Li Xinyue thought.

"Ah, isn't this a separate interview on the sports channel? I forgot about it too." Lindy saw that the two women were a bit at odds with each other, and couldn't help but feel a headache.

"Well, here's the last question. You go back to your room and rest for a while. I'll call you when the chicken soup is ready."

Who says that only children make choices, but all adults have to make choices?

No more fame? No more money? No more kidneys?

Moreover, the family education he received since childhood did not allow him to have this idea.

Li Xinyue is also a smart person, so she naturally understood what Lindy said.

The man in front of me was getting more and more interesting. He turned on the recorder again and said, "Mr. Lindy, can we start again?"


Although Li Xinyue was unwilling to do so, she still politely made a strategic retreat in order to leave a good impression on Lindy.

Now I am not qualified to fight on someone else's "home field", so just wait.

After Li Xinyue left, Qin Luoyun had not come out of the room. He smiled and shouted: "You succeeded yesterday, what else do you want to do? Come out to eat quickly, I made chicken soup for you."

Lindy was a little funny. Just now he was pretending to be the master, but now he is acting like a coward.

He put lunch on the table, and the thick aroma of chicken soup spread through the air.

Qin Luoyun couldn't hold it back when he smelled the aroma.

After all, I was hungover and slept until noon, so I was really thirsty and hungry.

A little head poked out first and glanced at Lindy shyly.

Then he stepped out with his long, snow-white legs. Since Lindy had a good figure, the size of the shirt was not too big.

So, I just say it's too shameful to cover up.

However, once you start walking and the corners of your clothes flutter up from time to time, it's really a wonderful time.

Lindy's eyes widened. He was not a saint, so he murmured softly: "What a monster."

"What did you say?" Qin Luoyun was a little shy at first, but when he heard the monster, he felt happy in his heart, but there was an angry expression on his face.

"I compliment you on your good looks. Please sit down. I know you are inconvenient today. I have already sent you a message to ask for leave from the newspaper when I got up in the morning." After saying that, Lindy stood up and filled a bowl of chicken soup for her and warned, "I went to buy it specially this morning. Yes, it's no better than the soup made in China. You can drink it and see if it's a bit hot, so drink it slowly."

"Men who can cook are really handsome." Qin Luoyun's eyes turned into crescents when he smiled.

"If you like it, I'll cook it for you often in the future." With that said, Lindy scooped up a spoonful of soup, blew on it, and fed it to Qin Luoyun.

Tasting the chicken soup, which is rarely available in Spain, Qin Luoyun felt that he had found the right person.

The man in front of me is gentle and considerate. He is like a fierce warrior on the court. He can also cook and make soup at home?

Qin Luoyun felt warm in his heart while drinking the chicken soup cooked by this man.

"I want you to be a shark on the field..." After saying that, he handed his hand to Lindy.

This also allowed Lindy, who had lived alone in Madrid for two years, to find a feeling of home, a feeling that was both familiar and strange.

From then on, no matter how dark the night in Madrid was, there was always a light left for him.

In the next game against Wolfsburg, he already has an obsession in his heart!