41:Bet your career on defense

"Between two points, Grafite is the shortest!" Even if the protagonist today is Lindy, Old Liu still can't help but shout out!

At this time, Grafite's eyes were already clear.

He accelerated his sprint, as if he wanted to use the last strength of his life on this opportunity.

Starting from the midfield, he first passed Ibáñez and then passed Valera from the corner.

But in the middle, there is already a figure sprinting desperately, wearing a red and white jersey so bright.

He passed Ibáñez and was still accelerating.

Fans in the middle stands can clearly see this bright touch, surpassing Valera on a parallel line.

Amid the exclamations of the audience, Lindy seemed to be possessed by Brother Su.

In just a few tens of meters, he ran faster than a yellow man.

It's as if what you're stepping on is not grass, but a plastic runway.

Lindy's speed has reached 80 points after training, although it cannot be compared with the nearly 100 points of the Great Sage and Mbappe.

However, compared to Grafit who exploded to the peak with all his strength, there were still 5 points less, but Lindy ran in a straight line.

Grafite, on the other hand, took a diagonal route and made a detour.

"Lindy! It's Lindy! He's chasing him back from the frontcourt! If Grafite is like that luxurious Porsche without brakes, speeding through this green field with more than 60 years of experience. superior.

Then Lindy is the grassroots boy running between the fields. Although he has nothing and is alone in a foreign land, the spirit of the Chinese nation is the energy engraved in his blood. It has been passed down for five thousand years. An Neng was defeated! "Lao Liu's excited voice seemed to be possessed by Lao Huang, echoing in the studio and in the hearts of the fans in front of the TV.

Lao Liu recalled the days when he was poor and hungry when he was a child, and also recalled the days when he broke through the shackles of fate and came to the imperial capital to study.

I also remembered the way I ran on the green field with my classmates during college, and the hardships of working as a temporary worker at a sports channel for six years.

Everything seemed to overlap with that figure, soaking his eyes.

Not admitting defeat may be a kind of spirit, but not accepting fate is the true heritage of this land.

Grafite had already rushed to the edge of the penalty area, and De Gea also took the initiative to block the opponent's shooting route.

At this time, Lindy was less than 3 meters away from Graffit. Seeing that he had raised his right foot, he was about to shoot.

If you go up to block it at this time, it may be too late!

But if he tackles the ball directly, he is very likely to receive a severe kick and collide directly with Graffit.

After all, [Man of Steel] cannot directly compete with the gods, and it is not immune to injuries.

Without any hesitation, Lindy made a sliding tackle and jumped towards the direction where the football was going to be shot.

Under the gaze of more than 54,000 pairs of eyes in the audience, Lindy's foot was the first to hit the football at that critical moment.

But at the same time, Grafite's right leg kicked hard.

After the game, the media called it [a career-settling defense].

The football rolled off the field along the right sideline, but there was no cheering.

This was the second time they'd been blown away by Lindy at Calderon.

This Chinese boy from the East has the courage of a matador.

However, the level of danger this time is even higher than in the last game.

Compatriots 10,000 kilometers away were also worried about Lindy.

The moment Grafite took action, he seemed to catch a glimpse of a figure rushing towards him from the corner of his eye.

It's just that the arrow is on the string and has to be fired. If the defender gets caught, the counterattack will be completely in vain.

However, when he kicked out with all his strength, something felt wrong.

That's not the feeling of touching a football, it should be like kicking someone.

It was too late to pull back.

His first moment was not to see where the football was flying to, but to squat down immediately.

What he saw was the young man with a Chinese face, lying on the ground in pain.

He covered his right thigh with his hand and let out a pitiful cry.

Thinking about it, she probably kicked him in the thigh. She didn't have the strength to withstand the kick just now, and she couldn't.

Moreover, he was in excellent condition just now. If the ball hits, it will definitely be a world wave.

Before De Gea could rush forward, Grafite stood up first and motioned to the staff on the sidelines, asking for medical assistance.

After a long silence, Lao Liu spoke slowly, "Lindy has proved his determination with actions, but I am convinced that Grafite tried his best to kick the ball. We can't blame him, he didn't see it." Lindy behind you."

"Today, he showed Europa what the spiritual inheritance of the East is. Only a noble soul can convey the iron will. In less than 5 days, I will pray again, hoping that Lindy is not injured."

"I believe that the style and will he showed on the court has now become the flag of Chinese football in Europa. We all hope that this flag can stand in the sky of Europa for a while, and wait for the next one who can hold the flag. The coming of man!"

The medical staff are conducting an intense examination on Lindy, and the scene of the last game is still vivid in his mind.

"You don't want your life? If the kick hits your calf, your career will be ruined! Think of Cisse!" Lindy was frightened by the team doctor. How terrible is it to break a leg? He was only focused on blocking Grafite's shot, but he forgot about this.

Who is Cisse? He knew it all too well.

He broke his leg twice in 2004 and 2006. Once in a match between Liverpool and Blackburn Rovers, Cisse broke his left calf during a fight with the opponent's defender McWillie.

Another time, no need for me to say, everyone knows

Since then, Cisse can only hang out in the middle and lower reaches of the team, and has never appeared in the French national team's roster.

If he had been slower just now, he might have followed in the footsteps of Cisse.

How can a defensive player have the courage to do those dangerous moves after experiencing such a horrific injury?

After examination, the team doctor was also surprised by Lindy's strength.

A few years earlier, when he was still at the Royal Medical College, he might have wanted to drag Lindy into research.

This guy's muscles are quite strong, no, it should be said that they are a little too strong.

After receiving such a serious kick, there was only some slight redness and swelling, and there was no muscle tear, muscle or ligament injury as expected.

Still, he had to check it out.

Atletico Madrid fans in the Calderon stadium watched a group of people surround Lindy without any feedback for a long time.

Everyone felt like their hearts were being hung. Unlike last time, this time Lindy was kicked hard and unilaterally.

And due to the angle of the broadcast camera, it was impossible to tell whether the kick was on the calf or the thigh.

But looking at Grafite's tall body and thick and powerful thighs.

One can imagine how strong that kick just now was.

There was another person in the stands who was more worried about Lindy than anyone else, and tears were already pouring out like a flood.

Qin Luoyun was wearing the exclusive jersey given to him by Lindy, covering his face with his hands and his eyes were red.

She no longer cared about the outcome on the court, she only cared about the man she loved.

No matter how much the on-site commentators and others praised Lindy's flying savior, she would rather Lindy didn't appear there.

All she wants is his peace.