
Flores was extremely efficient. In the afternoon, the other party had already called and made an appointment to have afternoon tea together at four o'clock.

Aguero was also very surprised when he learned that Lindy did not have an agent.

At this time, Aguero already regarded Lindy as his partner and a companion in La Liga in the future, so he also began to care about Lindy. "Although I don't know much about economic operations, what everyone knows is that China It has huge business potential. How about I ask my agent? Do you have one more choice?"

Lindy thought about it and realized that it was true. One more choice would be fine. His request was actually very simple.

The most critical point is the formation of a private team, as well as future contract negotiations and commercial operations.

Making money is very important at all times.

Especially for Lindy now, half of his monthly expenses have been spent on building a private team.

At present, he only dares to form a private team of three people, and they are only local employees in Madrid.

If you want to find the world's top ones, the price will be even more expensive. Ronaldo's trainer's monthly salary is close to his own monthly salary.

"Well, okay, thanks then, buddy."

Aguero was stunned and said, "Brother?" Indeed, as his partner on the field, he seemed to be right, "You're welcome, I'll call him right now."

Hernan Requeira was particularly excited when he received Aguero's call. This is currently the most famous Chinese player in Europa. Although he is not famous enough, it doesn't matter.

He doesn't need to be very famous in Europe, he just needs to be popular enough in China.

He has too few players, the most famous one being Aguero, so he serves Brother KUN very well.

And Lindy is Aguero's teammate. He is only 20 years old now and has more than ten years of career left, so he has huge potential!

Of course, he was also very touched by Aguero's trust in him.

However, when he learned that Atletico Madrid coach Flores had also introduced an agent to Lindy, he immediately rushed to Madrid and told him to wait until he arrived before making a decision.

The agent introduced by Flores is Jose Darcy, a well-known Spanish native.

Of course, it is impossible to be a super agent like Mendes or Jose Odin, and Lindy is just a newcomer to La Liga.

Maybe he has China's business potential, but it's not enough for these big guys to come to him.

To put it harshly, even if Lindy now wants Mendes to be his agent, people may not listen to him because Lindy is not worthy yet!

The two met at Lindy's home. Lindy is not the kind of person who makes a lot of gossip, and rarely talks big to attract attention.

Therefore, there are no paparazzi at his residence for the time being.

Jose is 45 years old this year, but he looks quite young. He has maintained a very good figure and should exercise regularly. He wears a decent suit and looks very professional.

After the two sat down, Jose Darcey introduced himself.

"Hello Lindy, my name is Jose Darcy, just call me Jose. My old friend Flores told me that you need an agent to help you take care of your affairs outside the court."

"I need a professional private team, but I don't have enough time and energy to manage it myself. Mr. Bisotti helped me introduce physical therapists, nutritionists, and personal technical coaches. I need someone to help me contact and manage it. "

"There is no problem in this regard. I still have some connections in Spain. What about China? What do you think?"

Because he has just signed a contract with Atletico Madrid, if the agent wants to make money, then the share of transfer and commercial income will be the majority.

If we just rely on the players' salary sharing, although it is quite a lot, there is no way to compare it with the operation of transfers and contract renewals.

In the 19-20 season, the Premier League alone paid a total of 263 million pounds in commissions to agents, which is a super exaggerated and staggering figure.

Therefore, when the other party brought up the business operations of China, he had no objection.

"There is definitely no problem with this, but you may not know that due to some special circumstances, in the contract I signed with Atletico Madrid, all the image rights in the first year belong to Atletico Madrid, and 50% of the image rights in the next three years also belong to Atletico Madrid. There, there are no less than three Chinese business activities every year. Maybe there are these unavoidable problems that need to be faced in the business development plan."

Hearing Lindy's words, Jose frowned. This contract was a bit harsh, but considering that a month ago, Lindy was still fighting for a main position in the C-level team, then this contract seemed appropriate.

It's just that the income from this image right will become more and more valuable according to Lindy's current situation. At this time, he can no longer care about Flores, an old friend. "Have you considered re-signing the contract?"

Lindy shook his head and refused, "When I was in the most difficult time, Atletico Madrid gave me this contract. Although the conditions were very harsh, for me at the time, it was more important than any clause. ."

Although he knew that Chinese people pay more attention to emotions, he was still a little disappointed. Jose continued with a wry smile: "The agent contract is based on 10% of the player's overall income, including the services of the private team you need. It is up to you to decide the candidate, and the salary I will help you handle the other terms and conditions."

"For future contract renewal or transfer matters, I will help you make a plan that is beneficial to you based on your personal situation and the market."

"Of course, the most important thing is the future commercial development of China. It is an extremely huge market. Believe me, you will become the richest among the Chinese players."

He paused for a moment and felt that his words were a bit exaggerated, so he thought of a quantitative statement, "At least 50 million a year's Huaxia commercial endorsement, as long as you maintain your current competitive status."

In fact, Lindy has made it very clear that he needs someone to help him manage a private team. If it is a private team, it must have his will as the core.

Although he knew that most agents were vampires, the Jose in front of him seemed to only care about his own commission income and Lindy's future business development.

50000000? Is this only a few cents? What about fooling children?

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Jose Darcy. I think I may need some time to think about it." Lindy picked up the coffee, but he immediately realized that the Spaniard opposite might not understand how Chinese people serve tea. It means seeing off guests. "Every day, tomorrow at the latest, I will reply to you."

Jose looked a little disappointed. In his eyes, these young players should not be able to control their emotions when they hear the word 50 million. Why didn't Lindy even blink an eyelid?

After Lin Di came back from Qin Luoyun, he told her about Jose and his plan to use half of his income to build a private team to improve his strength. He also said that there were guests coming to the house in the evening.

After hearing this, Qin Luoyun hugged Lindy tenderly and comforted: "Don't worry, the essence of an agent is no different from a capitalist. It's normal to make money. I don't have much work tonight, so I can listen to it with you. I forgot to tell you, I have a double major in journalism and law."

Ever since Qin Luoyun knew that Lindy planned to use half of her income to improve herself, she was both happy and sad.

After all, he was three years older than Lindy, but the man in front of him seemed to be moving further and further forward.

She was worried when she saw Lindy getting up at 6 o'clock every day to exercise.

One day, Lindy was going further and further in her career, while she was standing still. Thinking of this, she felt a little sad.

Looking at the sunset in the distance, Lindy felt the woman behind him sobbing slightly. He was a little confused, but he still pulled Qin Luoyun and let her lean on his shoulder, "I want to spend time with you in this sunset. , until the sky is filled with stars and the temples are gray. Don't worry, I will always be by your side."