57:Types of muscles

The next night, Lindy took Qin Luoyun's Porsche to go to Aguero's house for a party.

He married Lao Ma's youngest daughter Giannina in 2009. In February of the same year, he also gave birth to Benjamin, the fruit of their love. In order to better take care of the mother and son, Aguero spent a lot of money to buy a luxury house in Madrid. huge.

However, Aguero's weekly salary at Atletico Madrid is much higher than Lindy's, with a weekly salary of 52,000 euros + appearance fee and goal bonus.

The total after-tax income is close to 6 million euros, and the pre-tax income is estimated at more than 7.8 million euros. (Explanation at the end of the article)

Other Atletico Madrid players, especially foreign ones, earn extremely high salaries!

Therefore, all kinds of luxury cars are parked in front of Aguero's private residence in Madrid.

There is even a Pagani Zonda, which shows how luxurious the players' lives are.

Qin Luoyun glanced at Lindy. This guy has never bought a car. Last time he tried to persuade him to have a car, but he refused.

According to Lindy's idea, he wants to buy the house he lives in now so that he can transform it into a gym and a swimming pool in the garden so that he can train at home.

Qin Luoyun was also speechless about this. He didn't understand the style, right? She knows all kinds of postures and knows women very well.

Call him romantic, he is quite romantic, at least he has baskets of earthy love words:

What a loser night...

Nine out of ten kisses...

But Qin Luoyun has always doubted, who is more important compared to himself or football?

However, she is a smart woman, and she would not ask such a suicidal question.

When Lindy got out of the car, she happened to see Simang getting out of a luxury car with the RR logo.

"Lin, wow, your girlfriend is so beautiful." After saying that, he came over and took the back of Qin Luoyun's hand and kissed her very gentlemanly.

Of course, it's just a look, a real gentleman wouldn't touch the back of his hand.

At this time, a Ferrari stopped next to it with the roar of its engine, and Jurado got out of the car wearing sunglasses.

Seeing Lindy and Qin Luoyun, Jurado hugged him and said, "I can't tell, you can do it. Is your girlfriend very beautiful? Do you have any sisters or something that you can introduce to me?"

There were a lot of people here today, and some of the main players with good relationships in the team were present because the head coach specifically told them not to violate the rules.

So everyone brought their own female companions, whom Reyes nicknamed "Suju", and repeatedly told Lindy that they would take him to broaden his horizons in the future.

After the meal, the men gathered together while the female companions had their own topics of conversation.

Of course, many of the topics that women care about are fashion and gossip, especially the new additions Lindy and Qin Luoyun.

Not only had the ladies seen Lindy's figure in newspapers, but after seeing her in person today, they were filled with admiration and envy.

"Qin, your boyfriend's muscles are awesome."

Speaking of this, Qin Luoyun is also quite proud, "Yes, he starts exercising at 6 o'clock in the morning, every day."

These words caused a burst of exclamation from the women, 6 o'clock in the morning? They have long been accustomed to waking up at 10 o'clock to prepare breakfast. 6 o'clock is incredible to them.

Of course, besides the charming muscles, they also care about other things, such as...

After looking at each other, someone finally couldn't help but ask: "Will it be very strong?"

Qin Luoyun:? ? ?

Seeing her confused look, another person quickly added, "Just, I heard that many fitness people are not good at it. I have a sister who found a bodybuilder. As a result, they broke up three minutes after entering the room. You got it."

The women covered their mouths and smiled coquettishly, attracting frequent glances from Lindy and others.

For a moment, Qin Luoyun understood what they were talking about, and his face immediately turned red, feeling a little embarrassed.

Someone came over, held Qin Luoyun's hand, and said to her: "Don't be shy, it's nothing. If Lindy can't do it, we will introduce you to a great one!"

"Actually, I still can't stand him. I always thought that exercising muscles on the body did not include sponges, until that day he told me that there are also cavernous muscles. Do you know the beating feeling?"


All kinds of envious eyes were cast on Qin Luoyun, "Well, I have a friend, and her husband may also want to learn..."

"I also have a friend..."

It seems that Lindy will be very busy in the future.

On the other side, Lindy was having a private gathering with his teammates. He found that everyone was actually quite young and there were not so many twists and turns.

Others also had a greatly improved impression of Lindy.

Originally in training, Lindy was relatively taciturn, and his style on the field was very tough, especially in fighting fiercely.

Although everyone likes such teammates, without understanding them, they are just teammates.

But today, several men were shocked. The talkative Lindy in front of them was far different from their impressions.

Jurado, who originally wanted to liven up the atmosphere and use a pornographic accent, couldn't even finish two jokes.

Lindy: If the husband has diabetes, what diseases is the wife likely to get?

Now Jurado was slumped on the sofa, as if his face had been run over by countless wheels, and he was extremely confused.

As a joker who was once proud of himself, now he can only cry and beg Lindy to slow down.

"Lin, I thought you only knew how to train every day!" Xi Mang sighed with emotion. Few Chinese people are so talkative and outgoing.

"Training is a must. Didn't I ask KUN to find an agent these days? Now I have set up my personal coaching team, including a nutritionist, a physical therapist, a Spanish technical coach, and an Italian defensive coach. American strength and speed coach. How about it, are you interested in joining me?"

"Wow, Wow, Wow, don't you usually go out to play? Golf or something you know?" Fran glanced at Yingying Yanyan on the other side.

Lindy glanced at Qin Luoyun, who was still dazzling in the crowd, and smiled faintly: "I am only 20 years old. In China, at this age, I should still be in college. Then after graduation, I will find a job I don't like, and marry someone I may not like. A woman, then, I will have my own child, and then I will devote everything I have to my child, slowly watch him grow up, and finally, I will slowly grow old."

"It's really not easy for me to join Atletico Madrid at the age of 20. More than a month ago, I was still playing in the third-division club Alcor, so I cherish my current life and work."

Everyone lamented that Lindy's journey was indeed very difficult. Everyone came over to pat Lindy and express their comfort.

Only Aguero listened very carefully. He knew his own technical characteristics very well, but he still had some shortcomings in shooting and long-range shooting.

In addition, he always felt that there was room for improvement in his speed, but he just didn't know how.

And Lindy's method seems to suit him very well. In him, Aguero seems to see that he still has hope to go further.

Although I have been training with the team for more than a year, the gap between Spain's youth training and professional teams is too big.

I seem to be no different from a year ago, maybe I just have a lot more experience in competition.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little dull, Lindy realized that she seemed a little sentimental just now, and immediately changed the topic: "Do you know how mad cow disease came about?..."

After the party, Lindy quietly asked, "Lin, can you tell me about your private team in detail?"

Ps: Tax rate description

A major event happened in Spanish football in 2009: tax rate reform.

Players who joined La Liga before 2009 can enjoy the 24% preferential tax rate under the "Beckham Act", while local players need to pay a 43% tax rate.

What is the Beckham Act?

In 2003, in order to introduce Beckham, Real Madrid Chairman Florentino used various connections to successfully persuade the then Spanish Prime Minister Aznar to establish a clause to reduce taxes on foreign employees. According to the terms, qualified foreign players only need to pay a personal income tax of 24%, while the tax rate for local players is as high as 43%. This is the famous "Beckham Act."

Is it an extreme exaggeration, but in November 2009, this bill was canceled due to the collective boycott of local players.

The new bill states that players signed after 2010 will pay the same 43% tax rate as local players.

That's why many players' fees are astronomical when calculated. For example, Lewandowski's annual salary after joining Barcelona is 9 million euros after tax.

It may not seem high, but the core lies in after-tax, because the taxes on the rich in European countries are quite high, especially in Spain, where the annual salary exceeds 600,000 euros, the tax rate has reached 43%

Lewandowski's after-tax income of 9 million euros is equivalent to Barcelona paying more than 15.5 million euros in annual salary for Lewandowski's joining. This does not include other bonuses such as goal awards and appearance fees.

Therefore, La Liga's cost of introducing players has increased tremendously after 2010.