90:Secondary mobilization

The situation was out of control again.

The players from both sides surrounded Pepe and Lindy, and threatened each other: You, come here! [doge]

Faced with the roar of the "monk" Pepe, Lindy was not afraid at all, "Sunzi, try to touch me?"

After he finished speaking in Chinese, he felt something was wrong and immediately switched to Spanish: "I am just colliding with you, what? Do you want to fight?"

Pepe on the other side was stunned by Lindy's Chinese at first, but he didn't have time to care about it, and he sprayed trash words in his mouth: "You *** try it again? Do you believe it? You ***** bleed? Let you ***** be a relative?"

"Coward, do you think you are Zidane if you shave your head? Or Jason? You are Guoda at most!"

Although Pepe didn't understand what Guoda was, he knew from Lindy's eyes and tone that it was not a good thing.

I was angry immediately. It has always been Pepe who threatened and scolded people on the court. When will it be your turn to fight against me?

But he won't do it now, that would be stupid behavior.

People only know the rumors: De Jong in the north and Pepe in the south, a European salty victory.

As if Pepe is a violent maniac on the field.

But what people don't know is that in Pepe's first few seasons at Real Madrid.

The average number of fouls per game was only 1.1, and in the six years from 2007 to 2013, he only received 18 cards in total.

And Neymar also received 18 cards in his four years at Barcelona.

A defender and a forward get the same number of cards, and Pepe even gets fewer cards per season. Isn't it incredible?

In December 2011, in the match against Sevilla, Pepe received his last red card in Real Madrid.

After that, in the six years at Real Madrid, he never received any red cards again, completely unlocking the "holy monk" achievement.

People only remember the few times he went berserk, but in fact, this guy is very smart and will not easily commit fouls.

At this time, the referee also rushed in directly, blew the whistle continuously, and separated the players on both sides.

Since no one took action, in order to calm the emotions and to stop the escalation of the situation, Lindy was given a shit-yellow card for urging more.

Flores on the sidelines immediately went berserk.

He rushed to the side of the fourth official and yelled: "This is just a reasonable collision, why do you have to play a card?"

"Is it because this is the Bernabeu?"

"Is this how you balance the game?"

The fourth official looked at the furious Flores, stepped back half a step and warned: "Quick, this is not the first time we have met. If you continue like this, I don't mind inviting you to the stands. You decide for yourself."

The assistant coach Sandy behind him immediately rushed over and dragged Flores back.

But this could not change the situation on the field.

Real Madrid got a free kick in the front court, but the position was not good.

Van der Vaart's free kick was directly confiscated by De Gea after it was hoisted into the penalty area.

The first half ended like this, and the players of both sides returned to the locker room.

Pellegrini's face showed no expression, but he looked at Lindy meaningfully. This guy, whose performance on the field was second only to Ronaldo, had caused him a lot of trouble.

Atletico Madrid greeted head coach Flores silently and prepared to be scolded in the locker room.

But unexpectedly, Flores, who should have been angry, was unusually quiet. He looked at his players breathing heavily and silently.

Seemingly a little distressed, he was about to start a rant, but decided to change his approach.

Facing a strong opponent, is the responsibility all on the players?

Stroking his hair with his right hand, he said to the players: "You know, I am a native of Madrid, but this is just one of the reasons why I took over the position of Atletico Madrid."

Flores drifted his thoughts far away and began his fabrication: "But do you know the history of the Madrid derby?"

"Atletico Madrid has been shouldering a special mission since its birth."

"Do you think you are playing for a quasi-giant in La Liga?"

"Wrong, you are playing for the grassroots of the Madrid region!"

"The words Atletico Madrid represent their indomitable spirit and courage!"

"This is not a evenly matched game. I must admit that we are indeed not as good as Real Madrid in terms of both value and strength. Horse. "

"But don't the fans understand these things that we understand?"

"You have all seen the fans in the north side of the away team's stand. Why did they come?"

"Why did the waving red and white come?"

Flores paused, looked around at everyone in the locker room, and continued:

"In the second half, let's be a ridiculous Don Quixote and treat Real Madrid as a windmill. I hope all the players on the field can bravely charge at the windmill until we are "smashed to pieces". At least, let us live up to the fans in the stands. "

"Even if we lose in the end, let us be "buried" in the Poseidon Square in the end!"

The players were still silent, but everyone's eyes were full of determination.

Seeing that the morale of the players was inspired again, Flores took the opportunity to start his second half arrangements.

He walked to the tactical board and marked the formations in the match between Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid.

Real Madrid obviously used 4132, but the two wingers made people feel that Real Madrid sometimes played 424.

Atletico Madrid used 442, but Lindy was a back-up midfielder.

"Lindy, can you still run?"

"No problem, boss!" Lindy felt that he still had at least 70% of his physical strength, enough to deal with the second half.

"In the second half, you just sweep back and forth in the middle! Don't let Van der Vaart pass the ball easily, and you should also keep an eye on Kaka on the left. Remember, don't get a card again." As he said, Flores drew Real Madrid's Alonso, Van der Vaart, Ramos and Marcelo together on the center line on the tactical board, and then drew an arrow on Kaka's name alone.

Consecutive fouls on the same person are particularly likely to attract the attention of the referee.

"Valera, you are not allowed to go up in the second half. Together with Simao, you must keep an eye on Ronaldo on the defensive end!" He drew a line on the right side and put Simao and Jurado inside the line.

"Only guard him from going down the bottom. If he cuts inside, leave it to Lindy and Jurado!"

"Understood! Boss."

"Fran, Aguero. I ask you to actively return to defense in the second half. When Lindy is on both sides, you must keep an eye on Van der Vaart and Alonso with Jurado. If there is a chance to counterattack, Aguero, you must use your speed and go to the side of Garay. This guy is slow and slow to turn, but be careful, his stealing skills are very good!" He put the names of Fran and Aguero near the midfield and framed them with Van der Vaart and Alonso.

"Remember, in the second half, we will counterattack them, and their cooperation is not so tacit."

"Especially between Garay and Ramos, it is the biggest loophole."

"Ramos has always wanted to be a striker. In the first half, he had more assists than Marcelo."

"There is no tacit understanding between Garay, Pepe and Ramos. In the three offsides in the first half, Garay was not in sync with them."

"Let Ramos come up, we will attack Garay's point!"

"When counterattacking, Aguero, you run to this point, Jurado, Lindy, remember, pass the ball behind you!" As he said, Flores continued to draw an arrow on the tactical board, bypassing Garay's name and pointing directly to Real Madrid's penalty area.

Then, he changed his tone: "If you miss a single shot again, I don't mind letting you come down, Atletico can also play a single striker!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the locker room suddenly condensed, and everyone's eyes looked at Aguero.

This made him feel pressured. In the first half, he really wanted to score too much, so he was a little anxious in the final handling of the ball.

"Boss, I understand, I won't let that happen again!"

Lindy hugged Aguero's shoulders and told him not to be nervous.

However, Flores changed the subject, "We need to score in the second half, and we need to take a victory from the Bernabeu!"

"As long as you win the derby, you will have a three-day holiday starting tomorrow!"

This completely ignited the atmosphere in the locker room. There was nothing they looked forward to more than a holiday. The atmosphere of the derby was so overwhelming that they felt it was suffocating. It would be great if they could have a good rest for a few days. "Boss, we will definitely win."

"Boss, we're going to take this holiday!"

"Don't worry, boss. We will definitely beat them in the second half!"

"Atletico will win!"

"Atletico will win!"

Flores looked at the young people with satisfaction: I have done everything I can, and the second half is up to you.