In a magical kingdom, far away from the humans main land, lives a plethora of different beings, elves, minotaur, fairies, Griffin, mermaid, centaur, dybbuk, Phoenix, warlock, witches, gamayun and dragons. The kingdom was known as Acarnius.

 They all lived in harmony, with each faction being represented by their strongest and the dragons were the ruler of all. Then everything changed when a new evil arose, the DYBBUK... It is a creature that possess others and make them fulfill the worst thing they can think of doing. 

 The rise of the Dybbuk brought in years of hardship and suffering. The once peaceful kingdom has become desolate and the creatures has now separated themselves from one another. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and months to years. Two years passed and the Dybbuks grew stronger the more they possess and feed, chaos was now the order of the day, but as hope will have it, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel..

The seer creatures, the Gamayun, called for the dragon leader and told him of his vision. 

"There is a way to defeat the Dybbuk, not kill, but we can trap them, it requires a sacrifice of sufficient energy and that energy will trap them, for eternity".

"What is this way you speak of?". The Gamayon told Dragonsoro the plans and what he needed for the plan to work out.

 The leader of the dragons, Dragonsoro, decided to seek help from an old friend, his human friend. Away he flew to the human realm, when be got there he shifted into a human. 

 His human form was as exquisite as his dragon form. His long purple hair which stops above his waist, dazzling skin that is as bright as the sun, his purple eyes looking cold as she walked down the street to his friend's home.

 The Gamayun seer has told then that they couldn't kill the Dybbuk but, they could trap him with an immense amount of life force but there is a catch. No ordinary mythical creatures would be able to activate the trap as it would lead to them being possessed by the Dybbuk and no ordinary human can help either, they had to look for the human with the warlocks light symbol birthmark, only that person could activate the trap. According to the seer, the person they want lives in the human realm and her name is Raniae.

When Dragonsoro got to his friend's house, they were in the midst of a celebration. He knocked in the door after hesitating for a while. The door opened and a young looking red haired girl stood there staring at Dragonsoro, she was mesmerized by his beauty and forgot to give appropriate greetings.

"Hello, my name is Soro and I am looking for Wilran".

"Apologies Sir, I will go call him right away ". The girl greeted as she ran away embarrassed when she saw he caught her looking dazzled.

She went to the old man sitting at the head of the table and whispered something in his ear. At the mention of the name Soro, Wilran felt like he has been hit on the head and his face turned serious, he immediately went to the door.

Stepping out of the house he saw Soro leaning against the wall. "Even after she said that name I didn't believe it, Soro it really is you!".

"Nice to see you too, old friend". Soro said with a smile. 

"You haven't aged a day".Wilran said.

"And you, my friend, has grown older".

"Oh yes! The human's lifespan is different from you mystical creatures. Come, let's go somewhere private to talk ". 

 When they got to the room, Dragonsoro told him everything. " So, I wonder if you can help me find this human I'm looking for?".

"Hmmm, what if the person in question does not want to help? Are you going to use force?". Wilran asked as he stared intently at Soro.

"You know me Wilran, I will not do such a thing besides the trap won't work if the person's heart isn't in it".

"Then that's good ".

"Let's go find this human then".

"There's no need, I know the person you are looking for, infact you have met her already".

"The human that answered the door".

"Yes, she is a relative. Her parents just died and we decided to take her in. I will leave you to convince her". Wilran said as he left the room to go call her.

Moments later, the young girl walked into the room shyly and stood at the far end of the room staring at Soro. 

"Raniae, my friend Soro has something to say to you".

" There is no need to be scared of me little one, I have no intention of harming you infact, I have come to seek your help for a tragedy my Kingdom is facing".

"My help? I'm just a little girl how can I be of help to you? And what Kingdom are you from?".

"Manners Raniae, Soro can only answer one question at a time ". Wilran said as he chuckled.

"You are quite inquisitive little one, my name is Dragonsoro and I come from the kingdom of Acarnius, you may have not heard of it".

"Acarnius? As in the magical kingdom where mystical creatures lives?".

With a surprised look Dragonsoro asked her; " You have heard about Acarnius? How?".

"My father. He had this story book where he told me about Acarnius and all its magical creatures, I thought it was a fairytale. How is this possible?".

"I thought no human should know about Acarnius?". Wilran asked.

"They shouldn't". Soro replied and looked her at intently.

"This book your father has, does it look like this?". Soro asked as he magically did a hologram of an ancient looking book that had different carvings and symbols on it.

"Yes, it's the exact same book... Hold on, how did you just do that?". Raniae asked in awe.

"I had wondered why a human should be chosen, but it seems you are not fully a human. A warlock's daughter".

"Warlock's? As in a supernatural creature with magical powers?". Raniae expression changes by the second.


"But that's impossible, my parents were human. If any of them wasn't don't you think I would have noticed?". Raniae said in shock.

"I'm sure your father had a reason for that little one. There is something I want to ask, may I know if you have this symbol on your body?". Soro asked as he showed her an image of the warlock light.

Raniae stared at the image and she folded her sleeves to show them the mark in her elbow. "This birthmark?".

"Yes, that is the one. My kingdom needs you little one. Our survival depends on you".

"You want me to leave with you? But what about my family and friends here, will I ever see them again?".

"You have my word, you can leave when it is all over. I will explain the rest to you on the way, that is, if you are interested ".

Raniae turned to looked at Wilran waiting for his approval, at his nod she replied; "I will like to help, I've always wanted to know what Acarnius looks like".

"Thank you little one, my people and I are greatly indebted to you".

"So, when are we leaving?"

"Right away, we mustn't waste any more time".

"Now?!, people would notice I am gone and the other family members might get worried and...".

"There won't be, if we leave here now everyone will forget you ever existed and when you return it will be like you never left".

"Really?. What about grandpa Wilran?".

"It's okay my dear, I forget about everything everytime he leaves and my memories are restored when he is in our world and I hear his name. Don't worry, you are in safe hands". 

Turning to Soro, Wilran said seriously; "Keep her alive old friend, at all cost".

"You have my word. It is always a pleasure to see you, old friend". Soro said as he transformed into a mini dragon. 

"Ah!!!!!!! You're a dragon. Woah!. I didn't think I'll ever see this but wait, aren't you suppose to be bigger?".

"Small space. Climb on me little one ".

"I....I... should?.... Okay". Raniae stammered as she climed on Soro.

"So long, my friend ". Soro said as he vanished into thin air.

Wilran felt a jolt and he stared at everywhere in confusion, "why am I here?". He thought.