Chapter 50: Haunted Ship




Robin only nodded her head as she understood what the middle-aged lady was saying since explaining about their situation would only make things more complicated

But she somehow understands how this lady come with up that possibility since there is a young male and one female travelling together In the sea all alone even though there is also Ember but since she is just a bird, so ember doesn't count as a person

maybe this is why this middle-aged lady thought that they were in that kind of relationship and Robin didn't try to correct the middle-aged lady since it would make things more complicated as well as she would know that Robin and Yoriichi were wanted criminals

But the middle-aged lady didn't stop by that as she also started to tell or teach Robin many tricks about how to conquer man's heart

Even though Robin doesn't wanna learn that kind of knowledge but unfortunately the middle-aged lady doesn't let her go as she forcibly teaches Robin about those things

1 hour later…

Robin couldn't help but take a sigh of relief after finally getting separated from that middle-aged lady after an hour of lecture which she didn't need

even though she previous she never had any weird thoughts about Yoriichi's past but now when she thinks about that

She couldn't help but think Yoriichi was indeed a perfect man for every girl especially the fact that he could cook food so well

And not to mention Yoriichi is very strong as well as he is very good-looking even though he has that big mark on his face but still that doesn't reduce his handsomeness at all instead it makes him more good-looking

So basically Yoriichi might be the dream man of any girl in this world which also includes Robin but since previously she never had those weird thoughts in her mind

The reason why she doesn't have any of those thoughts regarding that was that in past she always was very worried about her safety and always was very focused on surviving

It was the same when she first met Yoriichi after seeing his strength, she decided to go with him only because she thought he was the better option than crocodile for her survival

Fortunately, due to that decision she still is alive now and not to mention because of that decision she has more free will than when she was working under Crocodile

And now due to that lady's words, she couldn't help but look at Yoriichi with different eyes now

She tried to convince herself multiple times that Yoriichi was her true trusted companion and nothing more than that but she didn't know why whenever she looked at him or thought about him especially that beautiful performance of Yoriichi which Robin witnessed

She always gets those weird thoughts about him and the only way for her to stop thinking about those weird thoughts is to study

But still, she can't avoid having interactions with him for such petty thoughts especially when they both are travelling together

Unfortunately whenever she looked at him or tried to have a conversation with him which is also why Robin wasn't able to much focused on their way


Back to the present time…

This was also the reason why they entered the 'Florian Triangle' and Robin noticed this after she realized that Fog started to become much more thicker than before instead of becoming clear

She couldn't help but start to think of any way to pass this area since nothing works here, so using any kind of device would be very useless meaning that they wouldn't know in which direction they were moving

And this is not the worst part because she heard that any ship that entered the 'Florian Triangle' always mysteriously disappeared without leaving any trace

This is most concerning for Robin at this moment since she has no information about what will happen to them if they remain to stay in the 'Florian Triangle'

"Something there," Yoriichi said in a low voice as he saw something in this thick fog that woke up Robin from her thoughts

Robin looked at Yoriichi who was looking at something straight ahead as she looks the same direction where he was looking, she failed to see anything

Due to the thick fog present in their surroundings, Robin failed to see anything and after a few moments she finally gave up on what Yoriichi was looking at

As she looked back Yoriichi opened her mouth and asked "What did you see? I can't see anything other than fog"

She asked this since she knows that Yoriichi is literally the definition of Superhuman and she won't surprised to know that Yoriichi's vision is more better than normal person

That's also the reason she commented that since she hoped that Yoriichi would explain to her what he was seeing her then maybe that would help her to think about what should do to get out of this 'Florian Triangle'

"We are already now very near" Yoriichi said making Robin more confused since she didn't have any idea about what he was talking about

"What are you-" Robin was about to ask him 'what he was talking about?' but she stopped midway or more like she saw something which made her stop speaking

And she saw something which widely opened her eyes, there was something very huge like an island floating on the sea

'An island? No, it can't be then it must be…' Robin inwardly said this in her mind as she first thought of this thing as an island but she immediately dismissed that idea because there is no way an island looks like that

"It is a ship," Yoriichi said in his low and calm tone making Robin's suspicion correct as this huge thing floating on the sea is indeed a very big ship

This huge ship didn't look like any ordinary ship or normal ship since this ship got very creepy vibes like it was a haunted ship


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