Yoriichi took a high stance before unleashing several consecutive slashes in a fluid motion in the form of a Japanese dragon made of solar flames.
Even though Yoriichi developed this technique to fight multiple enemies at once instead of one he thinks this technique will be perfect for this zombie
Since that zombie is blocking every attack of Yoriichi then Yoriichi thinks it's better to send multiple attacks at once which Zombie won't be able to block all at once
Not to mention he sends each slash to zombie weak points using his transparent world, no matter how many he manages to block still even a single slash will result in fatal injury
Even though Yoriichi knows that zombies don't feel the pain he understands as long he manages to fatally wound the zombie's body then surely his fighting power will decrease or the zombie will stop moving
Even if the zombie tried to run to avoid all the slashes then Yoriichi is fully ready to ambush the zombie without any second delay
As Yoriichi predicted the first instinct of Zombie was to run away since he understood blocking all those slashes wasn't possible, especially after sensing how dangerous those slashes
This zombie isn't as powerful as he was alive since his mostly body is decaying as well right now he is nothing but a puppet instead of an independent individual
This is also the reason Yoriichi thinks that Zombie must have been an amazing Swordsman when he was alive
Even though right now this zombie has no mind of his own still his body remembers the experiences of this swordsman when he was alive
This is exactly the reason why he still managed to fight, as his body remembered the sword style of the swordsman when he was alive
*slash* *slash* *slash* *slash*
Zombie tried to counter by using his slashes while he tried to run but unfortunately, his slashes weren't fast nor strong enough to counter Yoriichi's slashes who used Armament Haki in his attack
With this Zombie was clear that the only option left for him was to run away to dodge those slashes as he now knows that is impossible to do right now
So the only option that the zombie has right this moment is to run away to evade all slashes since even if he tried to dodge them one by one slash still it's not possible
As it was sure that the zombie would get hit by some, the only thing he could do was run away to evade Yoriichi's attack
This is exactly what Zombie did as he tried to run away but he failed to notice something since his full focus on slashes
Yoriichi with double zombie speed comes behind the zombie with ease as he swings his fist with Armament Haki towards the zombie
Even though zombie bodies have high senses sensitive towards such emotions as killing intent due to the experience his body contains when he was alive but still failed to notice Yoriichi
Because of the fact whenever Yoriichi fights he never has any emotions, if a person can't see Yoriichi with eyes then it's impossible to detect Yoriichi
This is exactly happening right now since Zombie looking towards the slashes with his full focus making him unaware of the fact that Yoriichi already arrived behind and attacked
Yoriichi fist directly hit with Armament Haki creating a very powerful impact
The impact of Yoriichi's punch was so powerful that the zombie went flying towards the wall and clashed right with it as a result walls got crumbled into pieces
And those pieces fell on the zombie's body, burying his body completely even if the zombie survives this, Yoriichi is sure he wouldn't be able to fight any lower
Yoriichi is sure that a punch would be enough to crush bones inside the zombie's body even if the zombie doesn't feel pain still it would be enough to immobilize him completely due to crushed bones in his body
Yoriichi used his fist to punch Zombie instead of using his sword to slice only because it was more effective and fast as well Yoriichi was completely sure that it would work
"Is it over?" Robin couldn't help but mutter this to herself even though she didn't know what was actually due to the fact that all of these things in just a few moments making it impossible for a normal person's eyes like Robin's to notice everything just happened
All she knows is that Yoriichi is fine and That dangerous zombie is under that pile of rubble
To her question, Yoriichi nodded his head even though he couldn't sense the Zombie due to the fact the zombie was not a living person but he was sure that that zombie couldn't move
And just to be more sure he checked the zombie using his transparent world and found out that the zombie was lying down without moving at all proving
Yoriichi prediction correct
'Now I understand why Ember wasn't worried at all' Robin couldn't help but say this in her mind after realised why Ember wasn't worried about Yoriichi at all
Mainly since Ember knows Yoriichi's capabilities more than herself, making Robin realize that She again underestimated Yoriichi's power
After defeating the zombie, Yoriichi put his blade back into its sheathe and started moving forward without wasting any time
Meanwhile, Robin followed Yoriichi while keeping her eyes directly on the pile of rubble where that zombie was buried just out of caution
'Does this place have more zombies like this?' Robin asked this question to herself with worry since if that is the case then this place is more difficult than she previously imagined
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