ch 3 Barony of dalieh

Barony of dalieh, a forgotten land, lies in ruin. It's people suffer under the oppressive rule of the debauchery malevolent baron Maldrak, who hoards magic for himself and do human experiment for the gaine of new magic. And hence, languishing in poverty, it's fields are barren and it's people are desperate.

Due to this condition there was sudden incidents of rebellion in the barrony. In the last rebellion the baron Maldrak and his family were hanged in the main square of the palace. But after rebellion, not only their condition become precautions but other nobel also start invading their mines and resource.

Because of lack human power and constant war, the land suffer a great famine which leads to thousands of death of people. The condition is so severe people hide their parents graveyard so that others don't take out their dead body and used as food.

In the last, the elmsworth county invade the baron or we say it's just get in their hand without struggle. But county also don't heed their demand and left it alone.

Map of barony:- Barony Castle and the Great Dalieh Map of Elmsworth

Location: Nestled amidst rolling hills and lush woodlands, Barony Castle stands as a sentinel against time. Its stone walls echo tales of chivalry, intrigue, and forgotten magic.

The Great Map of Elmsworth: Within the castle grounds, a remarkable sight awaits—a gigantic three-dimensional relief map of Elmsworth. Crafted in concrete, this masterpiece spans 50 meters by 40 meters. Known as the Mapa Elmsworth or simply the Barony Map, it captures the rugged contours of the Elmsworth landscape. Imagine tracing your fingers over its miniature mountains, valleys, and lochs. Visitors wander its surface, their footsteps echoing through history1.

The Enchanted Forest

Beyond the castle walls, an ancient forest beckons. Tall pines stretch toward the sky, their branches forming a natural canopy. Sunlight filters through, dappling the forest floor with golden patches. Moss-covered stones guard secrets—perhaps forgotten spells or hidden portals to other realms.

Wild creatures roam here: elusive Monster deer, mischievous & dangerous foxes, and nightfire owls that hoot ancient incantations of fire. The air smells of damp earth, pine resin, and the promise of adventure.

The Majestic Mountains

To the north, the Mistwood Peaks rise like sentinels. Their snow-capped summits pierce the heavens, veiled in mist and mystery. Legends speak of ancient dragons nesting in their craggy caves and wise hermits seeking enlightenment atop their peaks.

Mount Evergreen, the tallest of them all, stands as a silent guardian. Its slopes are adorned with hardy alpine flora—heather, juniper, and silver birch. As you ascend, the air thins, and the world below shrinks into insignificance.

The Whispering River

A crystal-clear river winds through the forest, its waters singing secrets to the mossy stones. Silverbrook River—so named for the silvery fish that dart beneath its surface—carves a path toward the heart of Barony. Its banks are dotted with wildflowers, and ancient willows lean low, their branches trailing in the water.

The Hidden Caves

Beneath the Mistwood Peaks lie the Whispering Caves. Their entrances are concealed by waterfalls, and their depths hold echoes of forgotten civilizations. Some say the caves lead to the Underworld, where ancient spirits guard lost treasures and unraveling destinies.