Give It My All

It's funny how Itzel finds herself liquor-tolerant but in an actual sense, she isn't. Just three glasses were enough to knock her off. Clinton wasn't surprised when he came back to find her out. Laying face down on the counter.

He scoffs in disbelief, " Just what I thought." he unwrapped his apron from his waist. Passing it over to one of the employees who walked by.

Being the owner of the pub was ticket enough, granting him access to leave anytime. "I'm leaving early," he told Martin– his next in charge.

Rounding over the counter to where Itzel sat, he slowly heaved her up. She mumbled something but her words were not audible so he just ignored her. Going under her arms as a support, he helped her walk her way through the cluster of people. With her things intact with him.


Clinton clicked his Silver Ford Ecosport car open as he staggered out the entrance with Itzel. Gently, he guided her into the backseat. Careful with her so she doesn't hit her head. Itzel dowsily scouts in, instantly dropping dead in the seat– fast asleep. Gliding into the driver's seat, Clinton sped off.


Paige finally slammed her laptop shut after about two hours of being occupied with it. Stretching out her muscles, she checks the time. She yawned, wrapping things up as she placed the laptop and her phone in the bedside drawer.

At least she has about five hours to rest before day breaks.

Just when she was about to pull the covers over her, her phone rang. She checked the caller and it was her sister's line.

"What's..." she was immediately interrupted by a male voice. She furrowed, pulling the phone from her ear just to be sure she wasn't mistaken.

After a few minutes of driving, Clinton pulled up in front of the apartment where Nolan was staying. Paige was already waiting outside when he got there. As soon as he stepped out, she hurried toward him– slightly biting her tongue.

"I'm so sorry," she smiled, helping him with Itzel. "Clinton right?"

"Right," he chuckled, handing Itzel's things to her, "here, let me help with her. It will be stressful getting her up there alone." he pointed, backing Itzel.

She nodded, knowing how hectic it was going to be. Though Clinton and Itzel had been friends for years, it was his first time seeing Paige. Despite seeing her picture before, she looked better in person.

"I can handle it from here," said Paige as they got out of the elevator. Clinton placed Itzel down and she went under her arms, supporting her up. Intuitively, Paige's brows creased, "So heavy, " she mumbled, "Thanks once again." her gaze lifted to him.

"Sure," his lips curved into a smile. "Nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you too." he waved at her, getting back into the elevator.

With great struggle, Paige managed to balance Itzel while she clicked on the password to the door. BEEP! It unlocks. They snuggle in. Fortunately, Nolan had a spare room which was not in use except when his younger sister came by.

With hesitation, Paige took Itzel to that room. She drops her on the bed– putting her things on the table situated at the corner of the room. When she had made sure to cover her up, she headed off to Nolan's room.


It was around 5 am when Paige woke up. She couldn't afford to be late for her presentation. Waking up early meant enough time to prepare for the task ahead. Checking up on Itzel was the first thing she did before heading to the washroom.

She was swift with getting herself ready. "Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Nolan asked, sitting on the bed with eyes fixed on Paige as she got ready.

"Yes I am going to be fine," she said, gathering her hair into a ponytail. The last thing to take care of. She shoved the files into her bag and snatched the laptop from the bedside drawer. "Just take care of Itzel when she wakes up." she kissed him.

Nolan nodded his response and she dashed off. "Food Delivery on its way," she muttered over her shoulders before rushing out. "And don't forget to meet Tania for our wedding designs."

"Hmm.." she heard him mumbled as she stepped out.


Pulling from the driveway, Paige drove into the streets of New York City which were completely still. The usual chaos, hushed. It was so peaceful. She always loved seeing the city like this before the morning rush hour.

Impulsively, she rolled down the window to enjoy the freshness of the crisp city air.

Itzel was still in bed when someone crept in, snuggling her up. Intuitively, her eyes drowsily opened. She groaned with a chuckle, telling by his scent who it was.

"Why did you have to drink so much?" he sniffed her hair.

Itzel turned to face him. She curbed his face, "Because I missed you and thought I was going to go crazy."

At her words, Nolan pulled her in– making her rest her head against her chest. "Should we get something for your hangovers? He asked and she nodded.


Paige walked into the large glass building and was met head-on by Kayden, her assistant. Thanks to her professor, she was able to secure a job in one of the topmost companies in NY– THE TINY TASSEL INC.

They were a leading company in charge of lots of products including– make-up, shoes, school Uniforms, and sportswear among others. It was by her efforts that she was able to secure herself as the marketing head. They're surely going to hit another big deal should her presentation go well.

"The meeting is in the next hour," she announced, keeping up with Paige. The latter's steps were quick, knowing she had to do a good job with the presentation. She had lots on her plate, especially with the wedding around the corner and Nolan not helping much. He seemed to be unbothered.

"Do I have any other meeting again?" she asked Kayden who shook her head. She was glad. She could go and take care of other personal things by herself.

"Can you please have the deliveryman pick up my wedding gown," she told Kayden as she settled behind her desk.