A Distorted End

Everything suddenly slowed down, as the car spun out of control. The glass cascaded down on Paige, matching the pouring of the rain. It felt like an immense weight thrown on her as the trailer dragged down the road with great force.

"Please save me, whoever you are." her subconscious mind cried to any deity at all. Clutching hard on the desire to live she records the injustice.

The crash coupled with the sound of the heavy rains sent strong tidings like waves to her ears– everything became still and quiet after the impact.

Paige felt numb when everything spontaneously became still once again. The car lay upside down, blood oozed down her skull to her face. Slowly, she felt her soul sliding out of her as she stared out the window. Watching the heavy rains hit hard on the asphalt.

As if on cue, she heard screams and a lot of commotion as she lay in the pool of blood. Her once beautiful gown was now soaked with blood and she felt her strength ebbing as her mind refused to focus.

"Is this the end?" the words echoed in her mind and darkness suddenly engulfed her.


The rains had by now stopped. The gory scene was soon thrown into commotion, with the cry of concerned citizens and the siren of the police car and ambulance filling the air.

The police kept the citizens in order as people kept filing in– navigating the small traffic created due to the accident while investigating the situation as well as taking eyewitness accounts.

But nobody knew what happened. All they saw was the trailer running straight into the Black Corazon car which had veered out of its lane.

Unconscious Paige was rushed into the ambulance on a stretcher after finally managing to bring her out of her car. She was in a serious condition, unlike the trailer driver who just sustained some injuries.

Inserting the tubes through her nose, they sped off, clearing the way with their siren through the busy streets. The paramedics and the EMTs at her side remained alert, checking her vitals as they tried their best to keep her breathing.

After about 20 minutes, the ambulance zoomed into the forecourt of LIBERTY HOSPITAL. A couple of Nurses and a Doctor rushed to it.

Bringing her out to the open, the doctor hopped on the stretcher on which she lay, pressing her hand against her chest while the nurses guided her with the speed of lightning into the hospital.

She was quickly rushed to the theater unit. Paige was prepared for an emergency surgery without any guardian. Hooking up on machines, masked doctors and surgeons swarm around her.

Like on a battlefield, the doctors and nurses remained armed and alert.





The doctor calls every time and then as they put on their best efforts to curtail her from deteriorating.


The continuous sounds of the monitor regenerate systematically in their ears, shattering the cold silence as if announcing their progress. They thought they had everything under control, not until her vitals started dropping.

The calm and organized room was instantly thrown into desperation as they hastened to retain her. "Get it together!" the doctor shouted. "Can't you see the inside?"

"It's not just one or two places," the assistant nurse snapped. "How can we get all these places? The vitals are dropping."


They were still at it when a call came through. The nurse in charge attended to it in a brief.

Subconsciously, Paige could hear all the chaos going on in her bleak darkness but her body was vegetative. Just as the nurse dropped the phone, she rushed over to the surgeon in charge– whispering something into his ear.

"What?..." he glanced at the nurse as his brows creased with shock. "What do you mean stop the surgery?" he stared intently at her. " Who made such a request?"

"Her family. Unless you want to lose your license as a practitioner– and I quote."

The surgeon's gaze traveled to the unconscious body before him at the nurse's words– his hand tied. The nurses' eyes remained fixed on him; they could see right through him as he contemplated while they waited for his next command.

Subliminally, Paige could feel her soul drifting away. " To any deity hearing me," her unconscious being prayed. " Now that things have turned out this way, I regret my life with all my being, and if you give me one more chance, I will give everything I have and get my revenge. I swear to you."

At that moment, Paige's hands reflexes. BEEEEP..... The sound of the monitor fills the room as the curvy lines on the monitor turn straight.

She had been a workaholic for her family– putting them where they are now as she sacrificed her happiness for them despite her health and this is how they repay her kindness?

The Doctor's face dropped as it registered his disappointment. "Paige Stewarts, 22 years old, Time of Death– 12:15 am." He announced, leaving the room for the nurses to wrap things up.


Outside the operating room, stood Emelia and Itzel. They didn't look as worried as they should be. "Do you think they will heed your request?" Itzel asked.

"That's not a request but a command." she snapped, "I should have taken care of her a long time ago."

Just as she concluded, they saw the doctor walk out of the door. He heads towards them. They could read right through his expression even though he was being civilized about it.

"I know you did your best and we are not going to hold any red flags against you," she admitted.

The Doctor stared intently at her, lost for words, and strolled off. A ring from Itzel's phone diverted her gaze to it. She lifted it to her view and it was a call from Nolan.

"Is that Nolan?" her mother inquired and she nodded. "Tell him everything is under control and he should handle the media as I have instructed him."

Itzel nodded and strolled off with the call. Soon, news of Paige's death had spread across every media house in the city.


Paige Stewarts, the youngest daughter of the Stewarts, dies at 22 in an accident. She was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder and has been on treatment for the past years.

She runs out of her wedding reception due to a hallucination and ends in an accident

More details from her family....