A Treat or Threat

Itzel was so easy to read through. Just by her countenance, Paige could tell he was the best friend and crush she had been talking about since her Uni years. Now, that jogs back memory. Clinton had from first sight looked familiar but not that she could put a name to. Seeing them together now rekindles her memory.

The incident from last night was certainly not their first meeting. He was the one who brought Itzel home drunk. If she wasn't mistaken. But whichever way, it was to her advantage– seeing the anxiousness in her sister's eyes.

Paige silently scoffed at the rare opportunity at her disposal. Intuitively, the corners of her lips curve into a mischievous smile. She sure had something up her sleeves. She is thirsty for revenge and could do anything at all just to see Itzel in misery.

Meanwhile, the latter's eyes stayed glued on him, his silence not helping her foreboding.

"He is my fiancee," Paige snapped, even before Clinton could say anything. Her voice filled with some degree of finality which had him look sharply at her.

Itzel's eyes remained fixed on him, waiting with bated breath for confirmation– hoping her sister was just making things up.

Paige on the other hand, could feel his gaze which appeared to pierce her soul. But she refused to look him in the face. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she waited for his reply– hoping he would play along. Given the risk taken.

As if on cue, Clinton takes her hand into his. It came involuntarily, making Paige flinch inwardly before turning to him. Looking him in the eyes, she remained composed. He gently squeezes her hand in assurance but she could see something far more beyond helping in his eyes.

They looked like he was up to something but Paige couldn't place her finger on what. His face brightened and his lips spread in a cunning smile before allowing his gaze to travel to Itzel.

"Just as you heard, we're on a date." his impenetrable eyes and inscrutable countenance gave little away.

Paige was certain there was trouble looming ahead but she was ready to throw her life on the line if it would give her the satisfaction she wanted.

At this point, Itzel stared at her with glazed eyes, and Paige couldn't help but smile secretly to herself– enjoying the sight she thought she would never see her sister in.

"How does it feel to have what you badly wanted, stolen from you?" She taunts inwardly as though Itzel could hear her, staring back into her deranged eyes

Itzel fumes, still having a murderous look on her face, "I'm going to make you regret this," she makes a mental note.

But her sister looked unshaken.

Silence settled in the atmosphere as they exchanged sour glances which lasted for a few seconds before it was finally broken by a ring from Itzel's phone. "You should get your phone," Paige instructed.

Impulsively, she saunters off. "Ma'am, please your coffee," the words fell rapidly in succession as she walked past the waitress but Itzel didn't even turn.


Itzel hopped into the car the moment she neared it. Instantly slamming her palms on the steering wheel, a scream escaped her lips which lasted for a few seconds. She huffed and puffed, staring straight ahead– registering nothing.

Paige's words re-echoed in her head and she felt a stab of frustration, coupled with growing anger, and began to nurse a grudge against her– forgetting she had done worse things than that. It irks her just at the thought of Paige belittling her.

With the ring from her phone still buzzing, she spanned into the street and zoomed off– knowing exactly what the call was about. It was past 11 am when she pulled up in the parking lot of the company.

Tiffany, her manager had already arrived when she got there. Noticing Itzel while stepping out of the car, she reflexed her hand– dropping the call and marching up to her.

"What kept– ?" she began but Itzel stepped ahead of her before she could finish her sentence– not giving her audience.

Impulsively, Tiffany tags along, catching up to her. "You're not looking good. What happened?" she asked, agog, trotting at her side as if it was her job to guard her.

But Itzel just walked on. Intuitively Tiffany stepped into the center of the path. But Itzel sidesteps her as if on cue. A sigh escapes her lips– rolling her eyes in the process while she dashes after her.

Kayden was waiting for them when they walked through the company's doors. Like a boss, she throws her bag into her hands as she walks past her. Kayden involuntarily caught it with a scoff.

"Could she be any more rude?" she mutters before trailing after them. Amongst the two siblings, Paige had always been her favorite person, unlike Itzel– the worse behaved.

The distinct character between the two was above the roof and getting into the bad books of Itzel was a no, no. Being the one in charge of her alone, was hectic enough– given the fact that she never seemed to appreciate anything.

The two marched after her while they trod through the lobby to the elevator. Stepping in, Kayden clicked the button to the 3rd floor– watching as the doors pulled shut.

"Looks like someone woke up from the wrong side of the bed," she sighed inwardly.


The office on the third floor was plush. It had floor-to-ceiling windows which allowed in a lot of natural light and a great outside view of the city's landscape.

Kayden pushed the door open, leading the way in. She gestures Itzel and Tiffany to their seat around the meeting table while she opens the blinds. Setting Itzel's bag in front of her while she drops some files in front of the rest of the empty seats.

"The rest of the team will join soon," Kayden announces as she walks out the door. Tiffany's eyes followed her as the door slowly closed and turned to Itzel.

"Did something happen?" Kayden caught on to the words as the door shut. Her curious mind won't allow her to just walk away. She leans on the door, ears tuned.