Into The Fray

The early evening wrapped around Paige like a velvet cloak, its edges tinged with the fading hues of sunset. The world outside her car window blurred into a sepia-toned painting as she parked in front of her apartment building.

The engine's soft hum surrendered to silence, and she gathered her belongings— a slim folder of documents, her well-worn leather bag— before stepping out into the cool evening air.

The car door shut with a muted thud, and that's when she sensed it— the subtle shift in the atmosphere. A car sat parked a few meters away, its dark silhouette blending seamlessly with the shadows.

Paige's instincts flared, a primal warning that refused to be dismissed. She scanned the dimly lit street, her gaze darting from the mysterious vehicle to the nearby trees. The night held its breath, as if waiting for something to unfold.