Weathering the Storm


Shayla's father and I went into the kitchen to get the food. I grabbed the plates and silverware, knowing where everything was already.

"My Shayla is a good girl, like her mother, sweet as pie," he said with a smile, pausing as he waited for me to continue plating the food.

"She deserves the world." I interjected before setting the plates between us as he continued.

"You think you can protect your children forever, but one day they grow up and out of your arms and into the world. You just can't fully shield them from pain and hurt," he said as he handed me a plate filled with meat and potatoes, nodding at me to add the veggies and dinner rolls.

"You do what you can, and hope what you teach them was enough to prepare them. You and your wife did a good job, Mr. Johnson," I said as I continued plating food.

"If you stop loving her, just let her go..." he said, making me pause and set down the plate I had in my hand.