Chapter 3

[Check out my Instagram for illustrations/arts: @soreeros2024]

We arrive at the bank, and get out of the car after putting on our respective ski masks.

"Let's do this." Niko says as we head inside the bank fast.

We came across a security guard, who got knocked by Niko; smashing the butt of his AR into the guard's head. Once the guard falls onto the floor, we step inside.

"Alright, none of you fucking fucks move!" Packie shouts at the civilians.

"None of you gonna get a medal for being a hero, all you going to get is a bullet to the heart!" Michael shouts.

"Don't none of you worry. We're here for the bank's money. It's going for a greater cause." Derrick says, trying to calm the civils.

Meanwhile, Niko and I stand next to each other, pointing our weapons at the people. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest; I can feel my pulse in my eyes, I'm so nervous and excited.

"Shut up, and handle the safe." Packie says, annoyed at his brother.

Derrick and Niko heads toward the bankers. Derrick tries to open the door, but its locked. "Open the door." Derrick asks the lady at the counter.

"Open the door." Niko says, pointing his gun at the lady, but she still doesn't comply; she looks back at the African-American colleague behind her.

"Open the door!" Derrick shouts this time.

"Open the fucking door." Niko says impatiently, pointing his AR this time at one of the civilians.

"Okay...Okay...Wait a minute. I got it." The African-American banker says as he reaches down to the button. He presses it, and a buzzing sound is heard and a click as the door is unlocked.

Niko and Derrick rushes inside; Niko jumps up onto one of the tables. "Get on the!" Niko shouts at the employees.

"But sir..." the employee who opened the door tried to say something, but Niko pointed the barrel at him. "You too." Niko said menacingly. "Okay. Okay." The employee says.

While Derrick is down in the vault, rigging the PE4; us(Packie, Me, and Michael) are watching the hostages.

I know what's supposed to happen, so I'm keeping my eyes heavily on the guy in the suit next to Luis. The guy is supposed to kill St. Michael. Of course, I'm not gonna let that happen.

A few moments go buy, and I see the guy in the suit, poke Luis with his left elbow, and whisper. "Hey? Yo. I'm a gun club member."

I immediately jog over, and kick the guy in the face. "Shut the fuck up!" I shout at him, and kick him in the face again, knocking him out. I search the guy with my gloved hand; I have gloves on unlike the others; and take away his pistol. I look over at Luis. "Be a good boy, pretty boy."

Even I am surprised at how aggressive I was, and casually I called Luis a pretty boy. It may be because this isn't my body, but someone else's and I only took it over.

"What the fuck?" Packie questions me, but when I show him the pistol I took away from the guy he nods his head.

At this moment Derrick and Niko leaves the place where the employees are. "The PE4 has been moulded and it's set to explode innn... sixty seconds. Derrick says as he checks his watch to tell the exact time.

"Now listen people, we're your friends. Me and me brother here, we..." Before Derrick could finish what he wanted to say, Packie angrily interrupts him. "Why're you telling 'em we're brothers you idiot? That's gonna make it hard for 'em to find us isn't it?"

"I'm trying to be honest with these people. We put them through a lot today."

"Fuck these people! Fuck your cause! This shit's over!" Packie shouts at Derrick.

"Both of you, shut the fuck up!" I shout at the two; they look back at me surprised. "If you two continue to argue, I'll put a bullet in both of you!"

Before they could talk back, the PE4 has exploded, making the bank shake, and paint fall off the walls and ceiling.

Packie, Me, and Michael throw out duffle bags to Niko and Derrick. "You two go get the money. We'll watch these kids." Packie says. Niko and Derrick take off, down to the vault to pack as much money as possible.

While the two is down into the vault, we can hear cops and NOOSE arriving at the bank; making me extremely nervous as my hands start to get sweaty and trembling. But I managed to hide it well, as no one noticed.

Niko and Derrick quickly grab as much money as they can carry from the vault, stuffing the duffle bags full. They rush back up to where we are waiting, and we all run towards the exit as the sound of police sirens gets louder and louder.

As we burst out of the bank, we are met with a hail of bullets as the cops start firing at us. We quickly hide behind the walls in front of the entrance door. I can feel that my breathing became quicker; adrenalin rushing through me.

I look next to me, and see that Packie and Michael are returning fire, in the other side of me, Derrick as well.

"Alrigjt, follow my lead!" Packie shouts.

I nod my head, and ready my SMG, and start letting off shots. I saw police officers and NOOSE guys fall to the ground, where I aimed.

There were so many bullets flying, that I didn't even know if I hit any of them. There were also bullets flying past me, scaring the fuck out of me, in reflex making me hide behind the walls again.

I look to my left and saw that Packie started to move forward. I take a big breath, and leave my cover. I raise my weapon and start shooting with the 4 other guys. We weave through the crowded streets, dodging pedestrians and police cars as we go.

We eventually make it to the subway, where we continue to fend off the police as we make our way down into the tunnels. The sound of gunfire echoes through the confined space as we run and shoot, trying to stay ahead of the law enforcement hot on our tails.

Finally, we manage to find an SUV parked in an underground garage, and we all pile in, with Niko taking the wheel. He speeds off into the night, narrowly avoiding police roadblocks and helicopters shining their searchlights down on us.

As we drive through the city, we can hear the police radio chatter, reporting our every move. But Niko's skills behind the wheel and our combined firepower keeps them at bay.