Chapter 9

[Follow my Instagram for illustrations and arts: @soreeros2024]

"Girl, I ain't wearin' this." Lamar said as I gave him the suit.

"Yes, you will." I said, and pushed the suit back in his hands.

"Hell nah, nigga."

"Hell yeah, nigga. This is your first big job. You need to look good." I said seriously.

After I said that, we looked into each others eyes before he sighed and took the suit, and went into my bathroom. I went inside my bedroom, and dressed up in my suit as well. We also put a bulletproof vest under the suit.

Coming out of my bedroom, I waited for a bit before Lamar came out as well. He fixed the sleeves, and the shoulders. I look at him up and down, then nod in satisfaction. I chose well.

"Come on," I said as I motioned him to the planning room.

In the room, I gave him the AK, plus a magazine in case he needs to reload; and I took out my shotgun.

We check our weapons before leaving the house.

Unlike in the game, Lester wasn't talking to us, only when we need him. I was afraid he was going to continuously talk to us; I thought I was gonna go crazy.

We get inside his Emperor, and head toward Lester's factory and pick up the armored Kuruma.

On the way there, me and Lamad talked about the job.

We and Lester agreed on a $260k pay, $130k each.

Arriving at the factory, we changed cars, and head toward the bank. In the car, there was already the duffle bag, with inside it a drill that I'll need to drill open the box.

On the way to the bank, I used the hack app, given by Lester, to hack open the vault.

Honestly, I fucked up the hacking twice, but managed to complete it, a minute or so later after arriving at the bank.

Inside the car, Lamar has already put on the black ski mask, and waited for me. I looked over at him, and saw him shaking a bit, but I didn't say anything, as this is my second big job as well, and since the first one it's been 3 years. I put on my ski mask as well, and we load our weapons. We also put on our gloves.

We look at each other, nod, and jump out of the car.

We rush to the entrance door of the Fleeca Bank. At the same time, we kick in the doors and point our weapons at the 3 civils and the one banker inside.

"Put your fuckin' hands up!" Lamar shouts.

"Get on the ground!" I shout as well, and grab a woman, who was standing in shock, and push her on the ground, causing her to scream.

Lamar also shot down the two cameras nearby, and the gunshots caused the hostages to screamin in fright.

While Lamar shot down the cameras, I moved away a bit, shot down two more cameras, and I opened the door that lead behind the counters.

"Move!" I shouted and pointed my weapon at the banker. The banker complied and walked out fast.

I pushed the guy to Lamar and the other hostages, and ran inside the vault. Once inside the vault, I kneeled down, took out the drill, and started drilling open the deposit box.

As I drilled open the deposit box, I could hear Lamar intimidating the hostages behind me. He was yelling and threatening them, making sure they stayed in line and didn't try anything funny.

"Nobody move or I'll blow your fuckin brains out!" Lamar shouted, his voice filled with authority. I could hear the hostages whimpering and begging for their lives, but Lamar didn't care. He was focused on making sure they didn't try anything stupid.

Meanwhile, I focused on the task at hand, drilling open the deposit box. It took a few minutes of intense drilling, but eventually, the box opened up and I saw stacks of papers. I quickly grabbed them and stuffed it into the duffle bag, alongside with the drill.

"Alright, we got what we came for. Let's get the hell out of here," I said to Lamar as I slung the duffle bag over my shoulder. He nodded in agreement, and we quickly made our way back to the car, as soon as we heard the alarm go off, and quickly cops almost arriving.

When we arrived outside, we already saw cops moving toward us. We got into the car, and Lamar started driving off.

In the review mirror, we see cops speeding toward us. I looked back a bit nervously, but its nothing as crazy as when I did the bank robbery in Liberty City.

Turning back forward, I saw a roadblock already, and I cursed. Lamar slowed down a bit, and somehow to my astonishment, he managed to fit through two cop cars with only just a scratch.

"Wooohoo! Damn, L!" I laughed.

"Hahaha!" Lamar laughed as well, even he was surprised by what he managed to do.

We passed by two roadblocks as well, then we heard Lester speak in our earpieces.

"I see your nearing the bridge. I got a guy named Eddie Toh in a Cargobob. The chopper has a magnet that'll pick you up. He's a pro, he'll help you escape." Lester said.

"You heard the man, head to the bridge!" I said with a smile.

"Alright." He said, and pulled the handbrake, and did a drift toward where we have to go.

He picked up the pace again a bit when we saw cops nearing behind us again. That's when we saw a 'flying big rig' fly above us.

"Slow down, I'll pick you up." We heard a guy speak in our earpieces.

We knew that's Eddie, and Lamar slowed down, and tried to stay under the huge magnet hovering above us.

A few seconds later, we felt the car under us, lift off the ground. "Let's go!" Eddie shouted, and we flew off.

"LET'S FUCKIN' GO!" Lamar shouted as we flew in the car, and started hitting the steering wheel in happiness.

"Woooo!" I laughed as well, and dapped each other.

While later, we landed, on the Grapeseed Airstrip, changed cars, and headed to Lester's garment factory.

We gave him the papers, and he said that he'll be sending the money tonight. He told us we did a good job, but don't be too overconfident in our next.

Lamar was surprised that we'll have another job, he said okay, happily, regardless.

That night, we went drinking to celebrate and...uh...we didn't hook up. We didn't. We didn't....