The city of Donghae

As Mina begins to share her knowledge, the gravity of the situation settles over us. "There are about 20 of them, all armed," she starts, her voice steady but carrying an undercurrent of fear.

"Can you explain how they decide who becomes a 'Candidate'?" I probe, hoping for insight into their selection process.

Mina's shoulders slump slightly, a gesture of uncertainty. "I really don't know the specifics," she admits. "Upon arrival, everyone had to go through blood tests. It seemed like those tests determined our fates. Some... some didn't make it past that point, whilst others, like myself, were selected and taken to the ship."

Her mention of the ship and its ominous role in transporting 'Candidates' prompts me to dig deeper. "How did you manage to escape from them?" I ask, the hint of a plan beginning to form in my mind.