A black-eyed infected

Han, Yong, and I race towards the woman's location, urgency propelling us forward. As she catches sight of us, her reaction is a mix of surprise and apprehension, but relief is notably absent from her expression. It's clear that our arrival doesn't bring her the comfort we had hoped to offer.

Approaching her, I quickly assure her, "We can help." Her response is a silent nod, acceptance tinged with resignation rather than trust. My gaze instinctively searches hers, looking for the telltale sign we've been warned about. Her eyes, however, reveal nothing out of the ordinary—no darkness to be found within their depths.

Disappointed but undeterred, we shift our focus to the immediate threat—the infected in pursuit of the woman. There are eight of them, a manageable number but a potential danger nonetheless. Before engaging, I had briefed Han and Yong to observe their eyes carefully, hoping against hope that we might find what we've been seeking.