A strange noise

The emergency shelter is nestled in a newly-built high-rise apartment complex near the seaside edge of the city, a location that is slightly removed from the bustling city centre. Even before the apocalypse, this area was sparsely populated as development was still underway.

The towering skyscrapers, their gleaming windows reflecting the sunlight, stand as silent sentinels over the deserted streets below. The once-pristine sidewalks are now cracked and overgrown with weeds, a testament to the passage of time and the absence of human maintenance.

The city government had ambitious plans to build a tram railway along the shore to attract tourists, but the project was left incomplete as chaos ensued. The skeletal remains of the unfinished tram tracks stretch out along the coastline, rusting metal beams and abandoned construction equipment serving as haunting reminders of the city's shattered dreams.