A plan

The subsequent days find Joon-ho and me perched in our concealed lookout spot, binoculars and drone controls at the ready. We've established a routine of meticulous observation, focusing particularly on the movements within the camp and, more specifically, on Hyun. Our aim is clear: decipher the patterns of the guards' shifts and pinpoint when Hyun would take her turn.

Through careful monitoring and rigorous notetaking, we determine that the guard shifts change every six hours like clockwork, with Hyun typically taking the dawn shift. This predictable schedule provides us a reliable window to attempt contact without raising suspicion.

"It's almost too regimented for a makeshift survivor camp," Joon-ho comments quietly as we watch the changing of the guards through the drone's high-resolution camera, which sends back crisp, clear images to our tablet, allowing us to discern even the smallest details.