A sudden attack

As I sit in the dimly lit room of our shelter, pouring over maps and documents, a sudden knock at the door startles me from my thoughts. I look up to see Joon-ho entering, a grim expression on his face. "We just received a message from the cult group," he says, his voice low and urgent. "They're planning to strike the government shelter in Donghae in three days, and they want to know if we'll join them."

I feel a sudden weight settle in my chest, a mix of fear and anticipation. I've known this moment was coming, but now that it's here, I find myself hesitating. The stakes are so high, the potential for tragedy so great, that I can't help but second-guess myself.

I take the message from Joon-ho, my eyes scanning the hastily scrawled words. The cult group is determined to move forward with their plan, with or without our help. They believe that the time for action is now, that we must strike while we still have the element of surprise.