Control them

As the shimmering liquid from the vial courses through my veins, a sudden wave of disorientation washes over me. The world around me begins to shift and blur, my senses overwhelmed by a flood of new and intense sensations. I stumble, barely catching myself against the cold concrete wall of our makeshift command post. The room spins, and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, each beat echoing in my ears.

"Are you alright?" Seok-jin's voice sounds distant and muffled, as if he's speaking to me from underwater. His face swims in and out of focus as I try to steady myself.

I shake my head, attempting to clear the fog that seems to have settled over my mind. "I'm... not sure," I manage to croak out, my throat suddenly dry. "Something's happening, but I can't quite..." My words trail off as I struggle to articulate the strange sensations coursing through me.