Real Name

'Come again?' Did Pablo misheard Cupid?

"She has an Angel with her as well. I don't know why or how. But she has."

'And is this not supposed to happen?'

"I don't know. But I have never seen an Angel without a purpose in Seraphim. Goddess Alfida must have sent him here as well."

'Him? So the girl has a male Angel with her.'

"Yes. And not any male Angel, he is the oldest and strongest among all the Angels Goddess Alfida has."

'I see. So she has the strongest Angel and I have the weakest Angel. Does he have a diary with him too?'

"No. He doesn't have a diary with him."

'It's settled then. Go and exchange places with him.'

"Very funny."

'But could it be that she is the same as me? Like Altor brought her here from Earth just like me?' Pablo asked. It was quite possible.

"I don't think so. No other reincarnation can happen unless the previous reincarnated person is dead." Cupid clarified.